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Wednesday morning, Jimin woke up for school at his usual time, making his way into his bathroom to shower and start the rest of his morning routine.

It was starting to get a little bit chillier outside, so Jimin opted for a large, warm baby blue sweater and a pair of beige jeans, wearing matching colored sneakers to complete the look.

He placed a couple of blue hair clips into his fluffy blond hair, something he hadn't done in a while, and quickly but efficiently applied a light layer of natural makeup.

Jimin grabbed his bags and headed downstairs, his mother and father there in the kitchen to greet him warmly.

"I made breakfast, are you gonna eat any?" His mother pointed to the tray of chocolate chip muffins.

Jimin nodded, taking one from the tray and munching on it happily as he sat down.

"Is Yoongi coming to pick you up?" His father wondered.

"Yeah, he should be here soon." Jimin answered, his mother placing his packed lunch onto the counter in front of him.

"Be careful at school today, alright?" Mrs. Park worried slightly.

"I'll be okay, mom. I promise." Jimin assured as he took the last bite of his muffin, downing it with a glass of cold milk.

The doorbell rang a few moments later, Jimin hopping up from the seat excitedly to leave for the day.

"Bye, have a nice day!" His mother called as he rushed to the foyer.

Jimin opened the front door, smiling adorably as he greeted Yoongi with a hug.

"Good morning, Jimin. You feeling okay today?" Yoongi wondered as he hugged back.

"Yeah." Jimin hummed, resting his head onto the slightly taller's shoulder.

"Did you sleep well last night, hmm?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin nodded.

"Come on, we have to go to school." Yoongi chuckled as Jimin refused to let go.

Jimin leaned away after a few seconds, the two getting into his car to start heading to school.

"This feels weird, going back to school I mean." Jimin began.

"How come?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, pretty much everyone knows I was in a coma, right? Everyone knows about you cheating on me. Hoseok is gone, which I'm not complaining about obviously, but nobody knows we're back together. I'm scared people are gonna say really mean stuff about me getting back together with you. Or mean things about you too." Jimin rambled.

"Well, if someone does say something, tell me and they'll have to deal with me, alright? It's going to be okay." Yoongi assured, taking a hand off the steering wheel to place on Jimin's leg.

"I can stand up for myself." Jimin murmured.

"Last time you tried, it didn't end too well." Yoongi reminded. "Don't worry about it, Jimin. I'm here for you, okay?" Yoongi said, and the boy nodded.

Once arrived at school, Yoongi shut off the vehicle, about to step out when he noticed Jimin hadn't unbuckled his seatbelt you.

"Come on, Jimin. You don't wanna be late, do you?" Yoongi chuckled, but Jimin didn't laugh it off.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked in concern.

"I'm just n-nervous." Jimin murmured.

"It's going to be okay. I'll come to your locker with you if you'd like?" Yoongi offered.

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