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After school that day, Jimin left school with Yoongi, taking his car downtown to the café he'd spoken of earlier.

"I still have to buy Namjoon's gift." Jimin reminded himself.

"Oh, I can take you to get it. There's a shopping center near the café." Yoongi offered.

"Thanks." Jimin smiled to himself.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Yoongi wondered as he found a parking spot in front of the pathway leading to the café.

"It's not something we should talk about here. You can come to my house after, and we can talk then." Jimin insisted.

"You're scaring me now, is everything okay?" Yoongi turned to face him.

Jimin remained silent as he let out a sigh, looking over to gaze Yoongi in the eyes.

"I don't know, Yoongi. I honestly don't." He admitted. "But I don't wanna talk about it now." Jimin shook his head.

"Okay, it's okay. We don't have to talk about it here. We'll talk at your house like you said." Yoongi said.

They exited the car, Jimin a bit confused as to where they were going because right in front of them was the highway.

"What's this place?" Jimin wondered. "Well, if you look up, you'll see it's not just a normal highway." Yoongi pointed out.

They came to a small flight of stairs, making their way up to the platform where Jimin was astonished the see an elegant walkway decked out in flowers and other nice plants.

"Woah, it's so pretty." Jimin smiled. "It's called the sky garden. I wanted to take you here before it wouldn't start to look like this since it's getting colder outside." Yoongi said.

"It doesn't really start looking like this again until the end of June-early July and we'll, you know..." He further explained, Jimin nodding to himself.

"There's a café up here?" Jimin asked. "Yeah, it's not too far from here. They sell really pretty drinks and pastries." Yoongi answered.

"You bring your camera?" Jimin grinned as he turned to face him. "Of course I did." Yoongi pointed out the fact he was wearing the bag that carried his polaroid camera.

"Wait, I wanna take your picture." Yoongi stopped his as he reached to take the camera out of the bag.

Jimin stood in front of one of the large displays of bright, resplendent pink and yellow flowers, the sun shining perfectly onto his face as he flashed his cute smile.

Yoongi held the camera up to his eye, smiling faintly himself as Jimin came into frame. He took it away for a moment, Jimin tilting his head in confusion.

"What?" He let out. "Nothing, you just look so perfect right now." Yoongi murmured, placing the camera lense back up to his eye and snapping the photo.

Jimin skipped back over to him, quickly pressing a kiss onto Yoongi's cheek. "You're gonna show me all the pictures you took of me, right?" He teased.

"There's not that many." Yoongi started to blush. "There's at least a hundred." Jimin laughed at the older's quickly reddening face.

"I just like taking pictures of you, okay?" He said, letting out a gasp at how wrong it sounded, Jimin raising an eyebrow before he began laughing hysterically.

"Oh my gosh, that sounded so weird. I promise I didn't mean that in a weird way." Yoongi slightly panicked.

"No, it's okay, I know what you meant." The boy giggled. "I'm sorry, you probably think I'm a weirdo now." Yoongi let out a heavy sigh.

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