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Jimin woke up the next morning, yawning quietly as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He smiled to himself as he felt Yoongi's arms tighten around him

"Good morning, baby." Yoongi whispered in his ear sweetly, placing a kiss onto his neck. "Yoongi~" Jimin murmured, a smile appearing on his face.

He turned around to face Yoongi, his face a blushing mess as the older teen let out a laugh. "You sleep okay? Are you feeling a little better, hmm?" Yoongi asked.

"Mmhm, I feel a little better, thanks." Jimin responded. "Yoongi, what's going to happen at school tomorrow?" He suddenly brought up.

"I'm going to confront Hoseok, obviously. You think I'm just going to let him get away with hurting your feelings because he's jealous?" Yoongi rose an eyebrow.

"I dunno." Jimin muttered. Yoongi frowned slightly, gently moving Jimin's hair away from his face. "Jimin, is standing up for yourself- is that something that's hard for you because of what happened to you before?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah. After people found out about my ex and I, I tried to stand up for myself, but I ended up seeming like some big joke to everybody there." Jimin told more of the story that he'd never finished telling Yoongi before.

"It was really humiliating." He said. "I'm sorry that happened, Jimin. But I won't let that happen to you here." Yoongi assured. "You won't?" The smaller mumbled.

"Of course won't. I'm here for you, baby." He nodded, Jimin leaning in to kiss him briefly.

"Your lips are really soft." Jimin giggled as he kissed him again. "I could kiss you all day." He whispered against Yoongi's lips.

"Me too." Yoongi agreed, about to go in for another kiss but his phone began to ring. He pecked the tip of Jimin's nose before sitting up, reaching over to the nightstand to grab his phone.

He frowned as soon as he saw the caller ID. "Hello?" He answered flatly. "Yoongi, you completely ditched me at the party yesterday. I said I needed to talk to you, it's important." Hoseok said.

"You know what, Hoseok, I don't think it's important actually." Yoongi stood up from the bed, Jimin's eyes widening as he sat up.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok laughed nervously. "I know you still have feelings for me." Yoongi began. "And I know the things you've been saying to Jimin." He added, walking away to leave the room.

Jimin stayed in the bed, knowing better than to follow Yoongi to eavesdrop.

"You're sick, Hoseok, you know that? What did Jimin ever do to you?!" Yoongi rose his voice. "I just want to get back together with you. I know you still like me too-" "No, I don't. I don't want anything to do with you anymore." He established.

"I love Jimin, and nothing is going to change that." Yoongi concluded. "You love a walking corpse? Yoongi he's going to die in some months from now and you claim you 'love' him. I've known you forever and you know how much I love you?" Hoseok sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"I can't believe you'd even say that?! Hoseok find somewhere else to sit tomorrow at lunch. Don't even come near the rest of our friends. I don't want to talk to you ever again." Yoongi quickly hung up.

He stepped back inside of his bedroom, eyes welling up with tears upon meeting eyes with Jimin. The boy stared at him innocently before standing up, slowly walking over to him.

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