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That Friday, Jimin woke up with a bad feeling inside. Not like he was feeling ill or anything, more of a sense that something bad was going to happen to him that day.

It was Namjoon's birthday, and the day of his party which would be later on in the evening.

Jimin stood up from his bed and went to his bathroom to to start getting ready for the day, taking his medication before getting in the shower.

He couldn't quite guess what the 'bad' thing was, but he had a strong feeling it had something to do with Hoseok.

Jimin stepped out of the shower once he finished, drying off and sitting on his bed wrapped up in the large fluffy towel.

He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he'd actually considered overdosing the other day while Yoongi was there with him.

That was a conversation he definitely didn't want to have with Yoongi, but it would have to be brought up eventually because he couldn't keep that from him.

Jimin knew it was only a side effect from his medication, but it was terrifying to experience having sudden thoughts like that.

The boy eventually got dressed, opting for a plain brown sweater, a pair of light beige jeans and white sneakers to complete the look. He made sure his hair was presentable before applying a faint layer of makeup and heading downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Is that party tonight? The one for your friend?" His mother wondered as she drank a mug of coffee.

"Yeah, he turns nineteen today." Jimin smiled. "How nice. That'll be you next month." She grinned, and Jimin nodded.

After a bit, the doorbell rang, signifying that Yoongi had arrived to pick him up for school. 

"I'll see you later on tonight." He waved before grabbing his backpacks and heading for the foyer.

He swung open the front door, Yoongi standing there to greet him with a small smile.

"Hi." Jimin smiled back. "Hello." Yoongi nodded, Jimin stepping outside into the mild September air.

"You look so pretty today." Yoongi complimented as they got into his car.

"Aww, thank you." Jimin chirped.

"You ready for Namjoon's party? It'll be a lot more fun since it's not going to be a huge party." Yoongi wondered.

"Yeah, I'm excited to give him his gift. I think he'll like it a lot." The boy smiled.

When they arrived at the school, Yoongi parked his car and didn't immediately get out.

"Hey, um, have you been doing okay? Since our talk a few days ago?" He wondered as he turned to look at Jimin.

"You just seemed so upset, and I don't want you thinking you can't come talk to me whenever you're feeling down like that, I mean, you were holding that in for almost half a week." Yoongi worried.

"I'm doing okay." Jimin nodded, the older reaching over to hold his hand.

"You sure?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah." Jimin responded, leaning in to connect their lips momentarily.

"I love you, m'kay? I was just making sure." Yoongi whispered against his lips.

"I know, I love you too." Jimin smiled faintly before reconnecting their lips, but the small moment was cut short when they heard light banging on the hood of Yoongi's car.

"Get a room~" Taehyung teased from outside of the car, laughing along with the rest of his friends on the football team and Jungkook.

Jimin was surprised at the fact the boy was even with Taehyung, and even more at the fact Taehyung had his arm swung over Jungkook's shoulder.

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