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That afternoon, Jimin was back at home once again. He was currently waiting for Yoongi to arrive because he'd stopped home to grab his backpack and clothes for the next day.

Despite Jimin's mother telling him he couldn't stay after nine, Jimin had told him to just sneak and spend the night anyways.

He opened the door for Yoongi once he arrived, the both of them smiling upon seeing each other.

"You feeling a little better?" Yoongi wondered as they headed up the stairs to go to Jimin's bedroom.

"Yeah, a lot better, actually." Jimin responded as he closed the door behind them after the entered his room.

"That's good, I was really worried." Yoongi admitted again.

"What did I tell you earlier, hmm?" Jimin began, slowly wrapping his arms around the slightly taller's neck, Yoongi pulling him closer by his waist.

"I know, but I can't help it." Yoongi looked down sheepishly, unable to cool off his face that he could feel was reddening.

He heard Jimin giggle softly, his heart fluttering in his chest as he reluctantly shifted his eyes to meet Jimin's once again.

"This is why I love you so much." Jimin whispered, leaning in to connect their lips.

He almost couldn't describe the warm sensation pulsing through his body as their lips moved so perfectly together. Jimin had been feeling this odd but exhilarating feeling lately each time they'd share an intimate moment like this.

Carefully, Yoongi laid Jimin onto his bed and placed himself on top of him in between his legs, leaning down to reconnect their lips lovingly.

Though, Jimin broke away from the kiss to let out a shaky breath as he felt Yoongi's hands slowly make their way up the sides of his shirt to grasp his waist.

They simply stared into each other's eyes for no longer than a second before they both leaned back in at the same time to continue where they left off.

"I love you so much." Yoongi whispered in between kisses, Jimin unable to hold back a smile as they kissed.

He slowly started guiding his lips away from Jimin's, kissing down his neck gently to find his sensitive spots. Yoongi smirked slightly hearing tiny whimpers slip past Jimin's lips, the boy squirming in his hold as things escalated.

He went to start taking Jimin's shirt off but before he could, Jimin grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Why're you being shy all of a sudden, hmm?" Yoongi chuckled softly, attempted to keep taking Jimin's shirt off, but the boy's grip around his wrist got tighter.

"Yoongi s-stop." Jimin attempted to push him away with his other hand.

Yoongi leaned away to look down into his eyes, slightly startled by the troubled expression on Jimin's face.

"What's the matter, baby?" He whispered quietly.

"I'm really sorry, I-I just can't do this." Jimin murmured.

"No, don't be. We don't have to do this right now." Yoongi shook his head, reach a hand up to gently caress his face.

"Did something happen Sunday I don't know about? I didn't see you at all yesterday." Yoongi wondered.

Jimin wouldn't look at him, obvious tears filling his eyes as his bottom lip started to quiver.

"Baby, you're shaking, what's wrong?" Yoongi got off top of him, the both of them sitting up as Jimin finally started to cry.

"I l-lied to you." Jimin hiccuped.

"Shhh, come here." Yoongi wrapped his arms around him comfortingly, Jimin holding onto him tightly as he sobbed into his shoulder.

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