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That next morning, Jimin had to be dropped off to school because Yoongi obviously wasn't coming to pick him up so they could go together.

"You need to try and talk to him today, sweetie." His mother reminded.

"I know, but..." Jimin shook his head slightly. "He's just so angry for no reason." He sighed.

"He can't be angry forever." Mrs. Park assured.

"And he's probably mad too because you know something. Why can't I know?!" Jimin whined.

"That's none of your concern. Yoongi is fine. It's nothing serious." She lied.

"Great, now you're lying to me too." Jimin mumbled.

Once arrived at school, Jimin exited his mom's car, slowly making his way to the front door of the building.

Once inside, he could just feel the air get heavy, it was almost nauseating. He just sensed the day was going to be bad.

He stood at his locker for a moment before opening it and putting a few of his belongings inside.

"Jimin?" He heard Jin call his name before he turned around.

"Hey, Joon told me what happened yesterday, are you okay? I can't believe Yoongi's getting this bad again." He spoke quietly.

"I don't know, Jin. I really don't want to be fighting with him right now. I hate seeing him like this." Jimin pouted slightly.

"You have to try and talk to him today or things will only get worse." Jin warned.

Just at that moment, Yoongi began making his way down the hallway.

"Now's your chance." Jin said before quickly walking away.

"Yoongi?" Jimin stopped the older.

Yoongi turned to face him, staring blankly as Jimin slowly approached him.

"Can we please talk?" Jimin murmured.

"I can't right now, Jimin. I don't wanna deal with this right now." He shook his head.

"I don't want us to fight anymore, Yoongi. I just wanna know what's wrong." Jimin tried.

"Let's talk at lunch, okay? We're gonna be late to class." Yoongi insisted.

"Okay. I love you, Yoongi." The boy said.

Yoongi simply nodded before walking away, Jimin feeling slightly relieved that he wasn't nearly as angry as yesterday.

He slid his backpack on and headed to class, hoping whatever they talked about at lunch would go smoothly.


When the bell for their lunch period rang, Jimin was the first out of his classroom so he could quickly head to his locker, but was slowed down when Jungkook caught up to him.

"Hey, Jimin." He said quietly.

"Hey, are you feeling better? You're okay enough to be in school right now?" Jimin asked as he hugged him.

"I'll be okay. Taehyung's taking me out to lunch today. He's really making an effort to be there for me these days so that's a little nice on the contrary." He shrugged.

"Well that's great, see you later." Jimin waved before walking away.

He made his way down the flight of stairs to the first floor to get to his locker, surprised to see that Yoongi was already there waiting for him.

"Can we go somewhere alone?" Yoongi asked quietly.

"Yeah, of course." Jimin was being as sweet as possible.

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