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After breakfast the next day, Yoongi patiently waited for the adorable blond boy on the top deck. That was their designated meeting spot now, Yoongi excited to see him and less nervous too.

"Yoongi~" He heard Jimin call, turning around to see the smaller approaching with a smile. As required, Jimin had to continue to wear the nasal cannula but it wasn't too much of issue because the oxygen tank was small enough to fit in a mini backpack.

He wore a pair of overalls shorts again but they were pastel purple this time, matching it with a blue long sleeve and a pair of pastel pink sneakers. He wore a small purple hair clip and his face was coated with a layer of soft makeup.

Yoongi simply stared in awe, clueless as to how the boy managed to effortlessly look ethereal. He felt almost underdressed, opting for a plain pair of black skinny jeans, a plain black t-shirt with black sneakers and his black bucket hat to top off the outfit.

"What?" Jimin asked after a couple of seconds of Yoongi staring at him. "Nothing you just...look really pretty." Yoongi didn't mean to say that as an answer but it slipped anyways.

"Oh, thank you." He smiled, eyes disappearing into little crescents. "What should we do today?" Jimin asked. "I dunno, our options are pretty limited now." Yoongi searched the list of recreational activities on the cruise.

"Um, there's a dessert shop/café." Yoongi suggested. "We could go there after lunch. We just ate breakfast, silly." Jimin giggled softly. "There's a spa." Yoongi put the option out there.

"Nah, I rather do that before bedtime." Jimin shook his head.  "Well, there's not much to do." Yoongi shrugged. "I guess we could just take a lap around the ship." Yoongi laughed.

"Yeah, sorry." Jimin mumured. "No, it's okay." Yoongi assured. "Wait..." Jimin stopped Yoongi before they could walk away.

"My mom told me to do this as an extra precaution but, can I hold your hand?" Jimin asked. Yoongi's heart abruptly lurched against his chest, the tips of his ears reddening.

"S-Sure. I don't mind." Yoongi nodded. He held his hand out for Jimin to take, the younger's small hand grasping into his and interlacing their fingers together as the began heading for the stairs.

"Tell me if you need to take a break and we can sit down for a little while." Yoongi said and Jimin nodded.

Along the way, Yoongi stopped multiple times to take pictures with his polaroid, Jimin quick to start wandering off every time.

They stopped at an area of the main deck where the pool was, Yoongi thinking for a moment. "Would getting in the pool make things worse for you?" Yoongi asked.

"I'd have to stay in the shallow end and keep my head above the water at all times." Jimin said. "We could go swimming tomorrow, I should be okay to roam around without this." Jimin referee to the nasal cannula.

Yoongi took a picture before thinking for a moment. "Hey Jimin?" He called, the boy turning to face him. "Can I take you picture?" Yoongi asked. "Why?" Jimin questioned.

"Well, I was going to put all the pictures I took into a memory book. I always take pictures of all my happy memories and put them in a book." Yoongi explained.

Jimin started blushing at the explanation, flattered to be considered a happy memory of Yoongi's.

"Sure." Jimin nodded. He stood in front of the railing so that there was a good background of the ocean, Yoongi holding the camera up to his face.

Jimin smiled adorably, Yoongi admiring his beauty for a couple of seconds before snapping the photo, waiting for it to print before placing it in the bag.

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