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Two weeks had gone by since Jimin had been in a coma. Of course, Yoongi visited him everyday, waiting patiently for the boy to wake up.

The homecoming dance was in exactly ten days from now, and Yoongi was loosing hope that Jimin would wake up in time. Or if he'd wake up at all.

His heart rate was a little lower than normal, which his doctor made sure to keep a steady eye on. If it got any lower, Jimin would have to be transferred to the icu.

Namjoon had come to visit as well, joining Yoongi. It was just the two of them, which Namjoon thought would be a good opportunity to talk to him about his short 'relationship' with Jimin.

"Jimin tried so hard to get over you." Namjoon murmured.

"I know." Yoongi answered quietly. He'd seen the two kiss before.

"I shouldn't have agreed to do that with Jimin, but I just wanted to help because he seemed so eager to forget about you, but I knew how much he still loved you." He went on to explain.

"Don't worry about it, Namjoon. I understand. I'd want to forget about me too if I were him." Yoongi laughed bitterly.

"Did you two, y'know..." He started.

"Yeah, but Jimin regretted it the morning after because that's when he admitted he was still in love with you, which I feel terrible about." Namjoon sighed.

"He still loves me?" Yoongi rose an eyebrow. It was still hard to believe that sentence.

"Yeah, he never stopped." The brunette smiled softly.

"I don't know what to do from now, all I want is for him to be okay, and for us to get back together. I never meant to hurt him like this." Yoongi shook his head.

"Jimin will forgive you, I know he will. Trust me, he can't stand being apart from you just as much as you can't from him." Namjoon assured.

They were quiet for a while until Namjoon spoke up again.

"It's getting late, how long have you been here?" He wondered out of curiosity.

"This morning." Yoongi laughed quietly. "I'm here as much as I can be." He nodded.

"He's lucky to have someone like you." The taller said.

"Is he though? I hurt him so much." Yoongi shook his head.

"You made a stupid mistake. Everyone does it more than once in their lifetime." Namjoon chuckled.

"I know, I just feel horrible about it. I wanna do everything I can to make it up to him." Yoongi smiled to himself faintly,

"If he wakes up before homecoming, which I have a feeling he will, ask him to the dance. That's what he was upset about in the first place when you arrived at my party." Namjoon revealed.

"H-How do you know?" Yoongi turned to face him.

"He told me." Namjoon responded.

"You're telling me this could've all been avoided if I would've just asked him earlier?" The boy let out.

"Well, not necessarily- actually yeah. Maybe..." Namjoon nodded.

Yoongi sighed, his friend beside him standing up.

"I'm going to head home for tonight, please remember to get some rest, Yoongi. He's going to be okay." Namjoon assured before leaving the room.


Jimin had started the process of waking up that night not too long after Namjoon had left. The only reason he knew he was waking up was because he could hear everything around him.

Nurses coming in and out of the room, his doctor explaining to someone in the room that he was going to be okay, the television that was apparently in the room on low volume.

But he couldn't speak, or move in general. He was just stuck, unable to give any sign that he was awake and feeling a whole lot better than when he was rushed to the hospital.

Jimin heard quiet footsteps approaching his bed, and a hand hold his. The familiarity of the warmth made Jimin wish he could just open his eyes, but he couldn't, knowing that only Yoongi held his hand that gently.

"It's getting late now, Jimin, and visiting hours are almost over." He heard the older's soothing voice.

"Please wake up soon, there's something important I really want to ask you when you do." Yoongi said.

He reached his other hand up to caress Jimin's face carefully, stroking his cheek with his thumb as he stared in adoration. Jimin was such a pretty sleeper.

"I know you can't hear me, but I wanna tell you something. A dream that I had a few days ago." Yoongi began.

I can hear you! Jimin thought, but as much as he tried to make a noise, or even just move his fingers slightly, he couldn't.

"It's really dumb, but in the dream, the operation you talked about worked and you lived past graduation. We got to stay together, and eventually after we got out of university, we got married." The teen went on, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I wish things didn't have to be like this. I wish I could marry you one day, but sadly that can't happen. And all I w-want is for us is to be together again, but that probably won't happen either." His voice cracked.

"As much as I hate seeing you in this place, it's the only time I get do this with you without you pushing me away, or telling me how much you hate me now." Jimin felt Yoongi squeeze his hand lightly, rubbing it with his thumb as he held onto it.

"I-I know I messed up really bad, and I'm truly sorry, Jimin." He mumbled, tears rolling down his face as he gazed at Jimin contently.

"Hoseok means absolutely nothing to me now. He's gone, and neither of us have to deal with him anymore." Yoongi said, leaning down to press a few gentle kisses onto Jimin's forehead.

"I love you, so much. And I hope when you wake up, you'll tell me how much you love me too." Yoongi whispered against his skin before placing on last kiss on his head and leaning away.

He was about say one last thing, until he noticed a single tear fall from Jimin's eye. Yoongi thought at first it was his own that must've fallen onto Jimin's cheek, but after wiping his face with his sleeve, another tear fell.

"Y-You can hear me?" Yoongi let out before he started to cry all over again, more tears falling from Jimin's eyes.

"I love you, Jimin. Please be okay for me." He uttered before letting go of the boy, wiping his tears away as he grabbed his belongings and headed for the door to leave.

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