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All Yoongi could feel was and extreme amount of worry as he walked around the school that morning. He was supposed to meet Jimin at school, but the boy never showed up and he hadn't been answering calls either.

"Yoongi, you alright? You look worried." Jin wondered as they sat in class.

"Jimin hasn't been answering my calls and I'm scared something bad happened to him." Yoongi almost wanted to cry.

He didn't even want to think of the worst but it was all he could do.

"And I tried calling his mom...but she won't answer me either. Apparently she doesn't trust me that much after what I didn't to Jimin, which is understandable, but Jimin's forgiven me already and his parents are still holding it against me." He rambled, unbeknownst the fact he had tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'll try and call her at lunch, alright? Don't cry, Yoongi." Jin tried to calm him down.

All he could do was think about how Jimin could've done something to hurt himself because of the disagreement with his mother.


At lunch that day, Yoongi sat patiently watching for any of his friends to arrive so that they could contact Jimin's mother to see what was going on.

Jungkook was the first to arrive, Yoongi quickly letting him know of the situation.

"I had already planned on calling. I'm worried to too." He said as he reached for his phone to dial Mrs. Park's number.

Their other friends arrived not too much later as he waited for the women to pick up.

"Hello? Yes, this is Jungkook. I was just wondering if Jimin is okay? He hasn't been responding to any of us. Did something happen?" He asked.

He sat there listening for a while, turning to face Yoongi with a pained expression.

"Oh, o-okay. I'll let them know. T-Thank you." Jungkook spoke shakily as the call ended.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked.

"Jimin's in the hospital." The boy answered.

"What?!" Yoongi let out as he stood up from the table.

"Yoongi, he-" "I have to go now." Yoongi quickly rushed away to go to the office and sign himself out for the day.

Once he did, he was quick to get in his car, driving as fast as he was allowed to the hospital to find out what had happened to the boy.

He tried calling Jimin's mother again, but of course she didn't answer.

When he got to the hospital, Yoongi was quickly notified by the receptionist of where Jimin's room was, making his way towards the elevator with tears in his eyes.

Yoongi got to the floor Jimin's room was located in and began sauntering down the long hallways before reaching it, however, Mrs. Park was standing outside of the door on her phone.

The boy slightly panicked as he approached, Mrs. Park turning and frowning slightly.

"I'll have to speak to you later, goodbye." She said before hanging up with whoever she was talking with.

"What are you doing here, Yoongi? Shouldn't you be in school?" She asked.

"I j-just needed to make sure Jimin was okay-"

"You understand I don't particularly trust you with him anymore, right? You truly hurt his feelings that time, do you understand that?" She scolded.

"I-I'm really sorry. I d-don't know how m-many times I'll have to apologize, b-but Jimin's already forgiven me a-awhile ago. I really l-love him, and I j-just wanna make sure he's okay." Yoongi couldn't stop the tears.

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