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"Baby? Come on, wake up. We still have to go to school today." Yoongi tried his best to be gentle as he shook the boy.

He looked so peaceful and adorable as he slept, Yoongi almost didn't want to wake him up from his slumber. Instead of shaking him, he carefully caressed his face, stroking his cheek comfortingly as he leaned down close to him.

"Jimin? Wake up." He said, the smaller starting squirm within Yoongi's hold.

Jimin's eyelids started to twitch slightly, the boy humming quietly as they fluttered open for a few seconds before closing again. The more Yoongi observed him, though, the more he noticed how lethargic he seemed.

"I can't...Yoongi. I c-can't go to...school." Jimin barely managed to get out.

Yoongi's heart dropped as he placed the back of his hand against Jimin's forehead, startled by how warm he felt.

"I knew you felt warm yesterday. You have a fever for sure." Yoongi really started to worry even more. "What else are you feeling, hmm?" He asked.

"I d-don't know. I just don't feel well." Jimin finally opened his teary eyes back up to look at him. "This is what I was s-scared of once it started getting cold." He started to cry.

"Shhh, don't cry. You're gonna be okay, I promise. Let me take you home, m'kay?" Yoongi tried his best to comfort him. "I'll stay there with you so you won't be alone." He assured.

"But you have to go to school?" Jimin frowned slightly.

"I can just skip today. I wanna take care of you. Don't cry, baby." Yoongi countered.

He carefully wiped the tears from Jimin's face, leaning down and planting a kiss onto his forehead.

"You shouldn't get so close to me, I don't want you getting sick too." Jimin worried.

"I'll be fine, my immune system is pretty strong." Yoongi chuckled. "Do you wanna lay here for a little longer, hmm?" He asked, and Jimin nodded, snuggling back into Yoongi's arms as he closed his eyes again.

"Hey, Yoongi?" The boy began after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah?" Yoongi continued to peer down at his face.

Jimin opened his eyes once more only to be met with the older's, blushing faintly at the fluttery feeling rushing through him. He loved the way Yoongi would just stare and admire him like that, it was the sweetest thing ever.

"About last night..." He started, though Yoongi cut in before he could continue his sentence.

"Was it okay? I didn't make you uncomfortable at all, did I?" Yoongi asked.

"N-No, I really enjoyed it, actually. I just wanted to say thanks for understanding where I was coming from with that. I always feel guilty for leading you on sometimes and then chickening out because of my feelings." Jimin admitted.

"Of course I understand. I'll always understand. Don't feel guilty about it, okay? I don't take it personal at all. In all honesty, I can get the same way you feel sometimes. It can be overwhelming for sure, but like last night, we don't always have to go all the way if you don't want to. I won't be upset about that ever. You can trust me on that." Yoongi responded sincerely, Jimin smiling faintly as he swung his arms around Yoongi's neck and pulled him down to hug him tightly.

"I wish I could kiss you right now." Jimin whispered into his ear, the both of them laughing softly.

"You can still kiss me. I promise I'll be fine." Yoongi tried as he leaned away from the hug.

"Yoongi I don't want to-" He was cut off by Yoongi's lips meeting his, immediately melting into the warm kiss, enjoying the coziness as Yoongi kept his arms wrapped around him.

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