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It was around 8:00 p.m. when the two decided to venture back out into the night. Jimin didn't didn't bring his nasal cannula sense they wouldn't be walking so much.

They took a bus to a station near the ice cream shop, stepping out into the cool, humid air of the night. It was pretty quiet except a car passing by every now and then, not too many people out and walking about.

Jimin reached his hand over to hold Yoongi's, the older happily locking their fingers together as they walked towards the ice cream shop.

"Jimin?" Yoongi spoke softly, Jimin turning to face him with a little innocent look across his face. "What?" He asked cutely.

Yoongi smiled faintly. "Nothing, I just wanted see your pretty face." He complimented, Jimin starting to blush at his affectionate words.

"You know, I don't believe that you haven't dated someone before. It just doesn't add up." Yoongi chuckled.

"Well, you're half right. I never dated a guy but..." Jimin wasn't sure of how to finish that sentence. "Other stuff happened. It's not important. I don't really want to talk about it." Jimin winced at the memory.

"Oh, sorry." Yoongi said. "No, it's alright. I'll have to end up telling you anyways eventually." Jimin shrugged

They arrived at the ice cream shop, the cold air conditioning hitting them instantly. They stood near the display case figuring out what they flavor they each wanted before ordering.

Jimin got strawberry ice cream with Oreo an topping. Yoongi just got plain chocolate. They sat at a table near the window, Jimin humming in delight as he took a bite of his frozen treat.

"Ice cream is my favorite dessert." He grinned. "I can tell." Yoongi chuckled. "What's your favorite dessert?" Jimin asked. "Hmm, I dunno. I don't really eat sweets that much." Yoongi said.

"Booo, you're no fun." The boy teased. "I'll eat cookies very now and then but that's. Maybe cake for my birthday." Yoongi nodded. "I'm excited for my birthday." Jimin smiled.

"Ooo, you know what else I want to do? I really want to go ice skating. I've never been." He pouted a little. "You've never been ice skating? Not once?" Yoongi asked in disbelief and Jimin shook his head.

"I'll take you." Yoongi assured. "You're so sweet." Jimin murmured. They finished their ice cream and left the shop, taking a small stroll around the area.

"This entire trip has felt unreal so far." Jimin started mindlessly talking. "Yeah, thanks for putting it into words for me." Yoongi chuckled. "Out of all the people on the cruise I managed to meet you. Crazy." He said.

Yoongi suddenly stopped, reaching for his camera. "Can I take your picture?" He asked politely, Jimin simply nodding as he stood under the street light.

He flashed his adorable smile, Yoongi holding the camera up to his face before pulling it away. "What?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just shook his head. "Nothing." He grinned to himself, placing the lens before his eye to snap the photo.

He placed it back into his bag before Jimin slipped back over beside him, holding his hand as they continued their walk.

They stopped into a souvenir shop, Jimin buying a charm to add to the variety of different ones he had on his mini backpack.

They left the shop after Jimin purchased it, Yoongi staring at the boy in adoration. "Why do you keep looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Jimin giggled.

Yoongi shook his head, snaking his arms around Jimin's waist and pulling him closer. "You're just so beautiful, that's all." Yoongi nodded, a smile growing across Jimin's face as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck.

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