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Today was Friday, and Yoongi would be able to leave the hospital today. The week went by a lot quicker than Yoongi expected. Mainly because he was allowed to sleep most of the day before his nurse would wake him up for therapy and counseling sessions to make sure he was recovering well.

In all honesty, Yoongi genuinely felt better. He knew he was going to be angry about his situation to begin with, but knowing that the outcome was that he'd be happy and wouldn't have to worry Jimin so much anymore gave him motivation to get better.

Jimin didn't have much knowledge of when Yoongi would be released from the hospital, so with that piece of info, Yoongi decided he'd just surprise him instead.

After being discharged from the hospital, he was taken home by his mother, who was proud to see how quickly Yoongi was able to recover from such a low point.

"I'm sure Jimin will be happy to see you, he missed you so much." She said.

"I know. I feel really bad for doing all of this to him." Yoongi shook his head.

"Aw, don't feel bad, sweetie. All Jimin wants is for you to be happy. He doesn't care what the process is." Mrs. Min spoke assuringly.

After arriving home, Yoongi took a quick shower before getting dressed into a comfortable outfit to head to Jimin's house. It was still quite early in the morning, so of course he let Jimin's parents know before hand so they'd be ready to let him inside.

He drove himself to Jimin's house after eating breakfast, nervously making his way up to the front door in which Mrs. Park had already opened for him to come inside.

"Glad to see you're doing better." She said.

"Thank you." Yoongi responded as he slid off his shoes and jacket before heading upstairs to Jimin's room.

He headed down the hall before reaching his door and carefully opening it to go inside.

Jimin was peacefully sleeping in the center on his large bed, tightly holding the mochi plushie Yoongi had won for him on the cruise a while ago close to him. He looked too cute to handle in that moment.

"Jimin?" He whispered softly as he leaned down and caressed his face.

"Wake up, baby." Yoongi chuckled softly as he noticed Jimin's eyes starting to flutter before slowly opening.

"Y-Yoongi?" He let out quietly before pushing the plushie away to sit up.

Jimin stared in disbelief for a few seconds before he practically jumped into Yoongi's arms to hug him.

"I d-didn't know you'd be able to leave s-so early." He murmured.

"Shh, don't cry." Yoongi laughed nervously. "I didn't think I'd be able to leave so early either but here I am. I'm okay now, baby." The older said as he gently pressed a kiss onto Jimin's cheek.

"I just m-missed you so much." Jimin let out.

"I know, I know, but I'm here now." Yoongi comforted.

"I heard you guys didn't have school today. Lucky you." He shifted the topic.

"Yeah, staff development day. It was a little last minute." Jimin said. "But that means I get to spend all of today with you." He beamed.

"We're gonna go to the fall festival tonight. It's opening night, and the rest of our friends will be there too." Yoongi planned.

"Aww, finally. I'm so excited." Jimin said.

"I am too. I've waited forever for this day." He smiled as pressed their lips together briefly.

"You seem so excited for this gift you got me." Jimin giggled softly.

"Very." Yoongi agreed. "I just want tonight to be special for you." He said as they both laid back down into Jimin's bed.

"You're just so perfect, you deserve it." He continued to praise him.

"Yeah, you're definitely back to normal now." The two both laughed at Jimin's comment.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's arm, frowning slightly at the bandages.

"Do they hurt?" He wondered.

"As they heal, a little. They get more irritated then painful." Yoongi explained.

Though Yoongi couldn't necessarily feel it, Jimin still placed a tiny kiss onto his wrist.

"There, now they'll heal faster." He smiled cutely.

Yoongi thought the gesture was the most adorable thing ever.

"Thanks, Jimin." He chuckled, letting out a happy sigh. "It's still early, why don't you go back to sleep, hmm?" Yoongi suggested.

"I'm just so excited you're here, I don't think I can go back to sleep." Jimin shook his head.

"Well, try. I want you to get some rest." Yoongi instructed.

"M'kay." Jimin mumbled, resting his head onto Yoongi's chest and closing his eyes to attempt to head back to sleep.

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