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Yoongi and Jimin went that entire week without speaking to each other. Yoongi had tried all of Tuesday to talk to Jimin, but eventually gave up.

It was Friday now, and Jimin wouldn't even look at him. At this point though, everyone thought Jimin was taking it too far. Yoongi did indeed apologize multiple times, but the younger still felt upset thinking about it.

"Jimin, are you going to talk to Yoongi today?" Jungkook asked as they sat in first hour. "No." Jimin shook his head. "Jimin come on, you know he's starting to get really upset too. He even told us about the date he'd planned to take you on this week before you got mad at him." Jungkook rambled.

Jimin stopped drawing for a moment, for he'd forgotten all about that. Now he felt really guilty for ignoring him the whole week.

"Please talk to him today. He misses you. I know you miss him too." Jungkook suggested. "Can you talk to him for me? I can't face him at school." Jimin shook his head.

"Sure, I'll tell him to talk to you after school." Jungkook smiled softly. "Thanks." Jimin murmured.


At lunch, Jimin ate in the library all by himself, only because he was too embarrassed to face Yoongi about the situation, though he'd have to after school.

Then he started to become frustrated with himself because Yoongi was right. He's wasted so much time over something he shouldn't have gotten so angry over.

"Jimin, what are you doing in here by yourself?" He suddenly heard Namjoon's voice, quickly looking up from the book he'd been reading whilst he ate.

"Oh, just eating lunch. Why are you here?" Jimin wondered. "Well, nobody knew where you went, and Yoongi was looking for you." Namjoon explained.

"Oh..." The boy let out. "Did you break up with Yoongi?"Namjoon asked. "No, but I have been avoiding him." Jimin admitted. "Can you not do that anymore. He's been upset all week." He said.

"I know, and I feel bad about it now. I'm meeting with him after school." Jimin informed. "Well, that's good. I don't think Yoongi can last another day without talking to you." Namjoon chuckled.

"See ya." He waved before leaving Jimin by himself again. His phone buzzed, Jimin taking the device out of his pocket to see who was messaging him.

Yoongi: Can I talk to you now? Where are you.

Jimin gulped slightly.

Jimin: I said after school.

Yoongi: I know, but I really need to see you now.

Jimin: After school.

Yoongi: Fine.
Yoongi: Jimin?
Yoongi: Baby?

Jimin was hesitant to respond, but he didn't.

Jimin: ?

Yoongi: I love you<3

Jimin: I love you too.

Yoongi smiled faintly as he read over Jimin's last text multiple times, a sense of relief rushing through him upon knowing that the boy still loved him and that they'd talk to clear things up after school.


Later on that day, Jimin had gone to his locker, attempting to quickly collect his belongings so he could leave to go home.

Before he could even shut his locker, he heard his name called, and it was none other than Yoongi.

"Jimin, wait!" He called before the younger could walk away. He stood in front of him, catching his breath as Jimin stared into his eyes.

"Jimin, I'm really sor-" He stopped as Jimin abruptly hugged him tightly, the older teen hugging back just as tight as he pressed a kiss onto the top of his head.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry I lied you. I just love you so much and I didn't know how's you react if I told you the truth. Which was dumb because you'd find out somehow anyways. I just feel really terrible about invalidating your feelings." Yoongi expressed what was on his mind.

Jimin blinked a few tears back, not wanting to let go of Yoongi. "Can we take this back to my house?" Yoongi wondered, and Jimin nodded, the two leaving the building hand in hand.

"Aww, I think they made up." Jin pointed to the two holding hands as they walked past Jungkook's locker. "Good, because that was really upsetting to witness them ignore each other like that." The boy shuddered.

Jungkook sadly knew how that felt. It'd been happening for the past two weeks of school so far because Taehyung's excuse was that "he didn't need any distractions" from working hard to earn a sports scholarship.

The ride to Yoongi's house was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. Yoongi just wanted to wait to talk to him fully.

Once they arrived at his house, Yoongi held Jimin's hand as he led him upstairs to his room.

The two sat down on his bed, Jimin refusing to let go of Yoongi's hand. "Jimin, please know I'm really sorry. I know how much that night meant to you, and it meant a lot to me too. I never meant to hurt your feelings like that." Yoongi turned to look at him.

"It's okay, I think I just overreacted." Jimin sighed. "No, that was a completely normal reaction. If you genuinely felt upset that's okay. I don't want you to think that I thought you were overreacting." Yoongi shook his head.

"I love you, Jimin. I don't want us argue anymore." He concluded, gently caressing the smaller's face. "I love you too." Jimin mumbled as he peered up into Yoongi's eyes.

He leaned in and connected their lips momentarily, smiling faintly as he pulled away. "Can I take you on that date tomorrow?" Yoongi wondered. "Yeah, of course. I'm really sorry, I forgot we were supposed to go earlier this week but I was being stubborn." Jimin apologized.

"It's okay. We're okay now." Yoongi nodded, pulling the smaller into his arms to hug him.

He hummed quietly at how warm Jimin felt in his arms, feeling upset knowing that soon he wouldn't get to experience this anymore.

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