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After school that day, Jimin was dropped off at home right after school by Yoongi so he could do his homework before the party and wrap Namjoon's gift.

He'd gotten his friend a pair of earbuds, a CD player, and a new album from a band he knew Namjoon listened to.

Once finished with his homework, Jimin placed Namjoon's gift in a gift bag before placing the wrapping tissue inside.

Jimin sat in his living waiting for Yoongi to arrive and pick him up for the party, the feeling inside of him returning, only it was worse this time.

"Have fun tonight, and please be safe." His mother reminded as she sat beside him.

"I know, don't worry about me." Jimin assured he'd be alright.

The doorbell rang, Jimin quickly standing up and making his way to the foyer to answer the door.

"Ready?" Yoongi smiled softly, and Jimin nodded, holding onto his hand as the older led him to his car.

"Namjoon told me that Hoseok might not be there tonight, so that's good news." Yoongi said.

"Oh, great." Jimin felt some sense of relief, but his intuition was telling him otherwise.

"When is the homecoming dance?" Jimin asked, hoping that this would spark Yoongi to ask him.

"In October, why?" Yoongi glanced at him briefly. "Nothing, I was just wondering." Jimin laughed awkwardly, looking out the car window as he winced out of embarrassment.

"There's a football game next week, and Jungkook wants us all to go because he'll be cheerleading." Yoongi had completely changed the topic. "Wanna go?" He asked.

"I guess." Jimin murmured, peering down into his lap. Why hasn't he asked me yet? The younger wondered, pouting slightly.

"Oh, speaking of homecoming, you wanna help Jin sell tickets? He needs company and nobody else volunteered. I would've, but I have a doctors appointment the day of ticket sales." Yoongi wondered.

"I guess." Jimin repeated. "Thanks. He'll appreciate it." Yoongi chuckled.

"I'm so excited for Homecoming. Last year was so fun, the theme was a masquerade." He remembered.

"Isn't that when you hooked up with Hoseok?" Jimin recalled.

"Well, yeah, but I'm talking about besides that." Yoongi laughed.

Jimin swallowed thickly, unsure of why he was over-analyzing what Yoongi had said about that night being oh 'so fun'. Of course it was fun, he had sex with someone.

It had just rubbed him off the wrong way.

They arrived at Namjoon's house within the next fifteen minutes, a quiet fifteen minutes at that. During that time, Yoongi had started to suspect Jimin was upset about something again.

He parked in the driveway of Namjoon's home, shutting off the vehicle and letting out a long sigh. Just before Jimin could step out of the car, Yoongi spoke up to stop him.

"Baby, wait..." He started, Jimin turning back to face him. "Are you upset with me? Did I do something?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin simply shook his head.

"Why won't you talk to me then? You haven't talked to me nearly the whole car ride. Did I say something earlier that hurt your feelings?" Yoongi continued to question, not wanting to have been the reason Jimin was seemingly down again so suddenly.

"It's nothing Yoongi, okay? Let's just go in. I'm sure Namjoon's waiting on us." Jimin suggested, stepping out of the car with Namjoon's gift in hand.

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