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It was about a forty-five minute drive to the spot Yoongi mentioned just right outside of the city near the water front. There was a pretty secluded park with a large hill near the water, not too many people ever going there. Especially not at night.

Yoongi would drive there some nights, way before he even met Jimin, and sit by himself on top of the hill overlooking Han River to clear his thoughts when he was still struggling mentally.

Once arrived, Yoongi parked his car and shut it off, the two getting out. Yoongi brought his bag along with him, retrieving a small bluetooth speaker from one of its pockets.

"I like to listen to music when I come here at night. Like, slow, calm music." Yoongi explained as he connected his phone and played a certain playlist. Instead of his favorite slow songs, it was Jimin's faves.

"Aww, you know all my music?" Jimin grinned, and Yoongi nodded as he held out his hand.

Jimin gladly held it, the both of them beginning the small hike up to the top of the hill. As usual, nobody was there, so once at the top, Yoongi set down a large blanket for them to lay on, keeping the speaker on as the two sat down and got situated.

"The view from here is already so pretty." Jimin let out breathlessly as he stared out over the water to the bright, colorful lights of the city ahead of them.

However, Jimin's shallow breathing stared to worry Yoongi, realizing he should've just carried the boy the entire way up the hill.

"Hey, hey are you alright? Can you breath okay?" Yoongi sounded panicked.

"Just a little out of breath, i-it's okay." Jimin nodded, forcing a smile to reassure Yoongi.

"Here, lay down." Yoongi patted the spot beside him as he did himself.

They laid close beside each other, Jimin's breathing shifting back to normal. He stared up at the sky, which seemed like it was dusted with stars, and smiled faintly at how peaceful this experience was. Just laying close to Yoongi as the soft, slow music drowned out any negative or stressing thoughts along with the sound of the older's heartbeat as he rested his head against his chest.

"There so many stars, I never knew that." Jimin mumbled.

"More than we can probably count." Yoongi laughed quietly, though he wasn't looking at the sky much, more so at Jimin's adorably astonished face.

He reached a hand over to his head, carefully brushing his fingers through his hair comfortingly, watching as a tiny, shy smile made its way onto the boy's lips. Yoongi then noticed how oddly warm his forehead was.

"Jimin, are you feeling okay?" He started to worry again.

"I'm feel fine, why?" Jimin asked as he turned onto his side, focusing his gaze to Yoongi's eyes.

"You feel warm. I think you might have a fever." The older sounded genuinely concerned, but it was lessened as the smaller laughed softly.

"Maybe you're paranoid. Of course I'm feeling warm, you made me wear this scarf and that hat which I took off a few minutes ago. I'm fine." Jimin insisted.

"I'm sorry. I just worry about you so much, baby." Yoongi reasoned, Jimin reaching a hand up to caress his face gently.

"Don't, m'kay?" Jimin nodded as he turned back onto his back to continue looking up at the stars.

"You think anyone lives on a star? Or anything?" The younger whispered, reaching a hand over to hold Yoongi's.

"Nothing can live on a star, Jimin. It's just a ball of gas." Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at the younger's innocence.

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