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Yoongi was the first to awaken from their nap later on that evening, or at least that's what he had assumed before realizing that Jimin was no longer in the bed beside him. His nerves spiked as his eyes scanned the room for anything to hint on where Jimin had disappeared to before noticing that the bedroom door was partially ajar, a muffled voice emitting from the other side.

Too dazed and still fighting slumber, the older only recognized the faint voice to be Jimin's, unsure of who he was speaking to because he was too far away from the door to see out of the small opening. It wasn't much longer that his conversation ended and he slipped back into the dark bedroom, slightly startled to find that Yoongi was awake, eyes droopy but he was awake.

"Everything okay?" He uttered quietly.

Jimin nodded his head. "My mom had just called, she's brining some food for dinner home."

He climbed back into the bed next to Yoongi, resting his body by his side once again and laying his head against his chest. Jimin could hear and feel his heart rate accelerating, smiling to himself before carefully lifting his head up to peer down into the raven-haired's eyes contently.

"Did you sleep alright? You slept a lot longer than me."

"I did?" Yoongi questioned, confused.

Jimin nodded, pointing to the alarm clock upon the top of his nightstand beside the bed that read just how much later in the evening it was than Yoongi had even expected. Well, it made sense he had remained deep in a slumber, as he'd been anticipating being on break for a while now.

"I slept okay, I guess I needed it."

The smaller boy giggled softly, reaching one of his hands up to brush the disheveled strands of Yoongi's dark hair away from his face.

"I could tell. You usually wake up before me so I was surprised you weren't by the time I woke up."

Yoongi blinked a few times, attempting to climb out of his sleepy state as he focused his gaze onto Jimin's eyes. Observing the younger's face, he smiled to himself faintly and shook his head the moment he sensed heat rising in his cheeks.

"What?" Jimin whispered.

"Nothing, I just..." He paused, seemingly to find the right words to say. "I'm glad I'm here with you right now. I really missed you lately."

"I missed you too, Yoongi. You know I did, but I'm here now."

Jimin laid back down beside Yoongi, nuzzling himself against the taller as he felt his arms carefully embrace his body comfortingly to return to their prior cuddling position. It wouldn't be for long, as Jimin's mother would be home within the next twenty minutes with their dinner. The blond boy thoroughly enjoyed it, however, having yearned to be held like this for the past week after being separated from Yoongi to focus on studying for their exams.

He knew that Yoongi missed it just as much, especially considering the mental state he'd been in since his last big breakdown that occurred at Jin's party. As much as Jimin reminded Yoongi that he understood how he felt, a heavy guilt still permeated within him having caused him to fall into such a doleful mindset. The younger never realized that Yoongi struggled to this extent with his mental health when he first met him, not until his other friends informed him of his past incidents involving self-harm.

He didn't want Yoongi to feel that way, despite that it was only inevitable at this point. It just didn't feel fair that it seemed the older would never end up truly happy after falling in love with him because he'd be gone one day soon and there was nothing to be done to stop it or slow the process down. Each day, Jimin's health was continuously deteriorating by the second, so much so that there was really no telling when his last day would be. It had only been estimated that he'd make it to June, there wasn't any guaranteeing that he'd actually live to see until then. As far as Jimin knew, tomorrow wasn't promised for him and that was a genuinely terrifying thought to permanently consider in the back of his mind.

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