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That next morning was the first time Yoongi ever intentionally got out of bed early. He struggled tremendously trying to put together a decent outfit before he completely gave up, opting for his plain black sweatpants, a plain white tee and black sneakers.

He exited his bedroom, his parents surprised to see him even out of bed this early. "And you're up this early because..." His mother rose a brow.

"Remember that boy I told you about?" Yoongi smiled a little. "Aww, did you find him again last night and talk to him?" She asked and Yoongi nodded. "That's great, I'm happy you found a friend." She clapped her hands quietly.

"Well, once your father is ready we can go get breakfast and then you can go spend the day with your friend...?" She paused because she didn't know his name. "Jimin." Yoongi answered.

"Oh, he's Korean too. Even better, huh?" She laughed softly. His father exited their bedroom, greeting the two before they left out of the suite.

They made it down to the first floor and went to the dining hall that was already in the hotel portion of the ship. Yoongi didn't get much to eat because of the butterflies in his tummy nauseating him.

He ate his small portion of food rather quickly, saying a quick goodbye to his parents before leaving to head to the top deck. He took his time though, nervous as to what to say when he'd see Jimin.

He slowly walked up the steps, making it to the top. There was no sign of Jimin yet so Yoongi sat at a table near the railing, reading missed group chat texts from his phone. He didn't miss them too much, being they hardly acknowledged his presence in the friend group anyways. Except Hoseok.

A couple of minutes passed, Yoongi sighing quietly. Just then, he felt a little tap on his shoulder, turning around and looking up to meet eyes with Jimin. He stood up, the boy smiling contently as he gave a small wave.

"Hi, Yoongi." He greeted him. "Hi." Yoongi mumbled. He took a few seconds to observe Jimin's adorable outfit he put together, a pastel pink and white striped t-shirt with a pair of overalls shorts, white sneakers and a small pink clip placed in his silky blond hair to complete the look.

"What do you want to do today?" Jimin asked. "Um, I'm not sure actually." Yoongi shrugged, avoiding eye contact because he knew he'd start blushing.

"Well, lets go look for something to do." Jimin suggested, turning around and heading for the stairs. Yoongi followed, almost forgetting he was supposed to be taking pictures with his camera.

"Actually, Jimin, I need to go back to my room, I left something there." Yoongi stopped him. "Oh, okay. Let's go then." Jimin nodded as they hastily made their way back to the hotel.

As Jimin followed Yoongi to his suite, Jimin immediately recognized where he was. They stopped at Yoongi's suite, Jimin smiling a little at the realization. "Yoongi, my room is a couple of doors down." He giggled softly.

"Really?" Yoongi asked as he opened the door, Jimin following him inside. "Mhm." The smaller hummed. Yoongi retrieved his camera, a polaroid, and it's bag before they left the room.

Yoongi slid the bag on his shoulder as they entered the elevator, Jimin humming quietly so the silence wasn't too awkward.

"How old are you?" Jimin asked as they exited the elevator and strolled out of the door back onto the deck. "Nineteen." Yoongi answered. "What about you?" He asked.

"Eighteen, but I turn Nineteen in October." Jimin thought, again, visibly tensing at the sentence but Yoongi wasn't sure if he should ask why Jimin seemed to be slightly triggered by some of the things he'd brought up so far.

"Cool." Yoongi murmured. Jimin peered at his phone, searching the cruise up online to find the list of recreational things to do.

"There's an arcade? It has indoor go-karting and laser tag too." Jimin read. "Nah, it's too early in the day to do that." Yoongi shook his head, stopping to take pictures of a few things and placing them in the bag.

"Mini golf?" Jimin looked over at him. "No." Yoongi said. "Hmm, what about karaoke? Ooo that sounds fun!" Jimin grinned. "Nah, I can't sing." Yoongi stated blandly. "I'm sure you can." Jimin insisted. "No." Yoongi panned.

"Okay, how about...." Jimin scanned over the list before gasping. "Yoongi let's do parasailing! I've always wanted to do that." Jimin hopped up and down, giving a string resemblance of an excited puppy.

"No way-" "Come on, we have to get there before the line gets too long." Jimin suddenly grabbed Yoongi's wrist and began quickly walking to the stairs to get to the other side of the top deck.

Once there, Jimin smiled upon seeing the short line. "Yoongi come on." He pulled his wrist but he wouldn't budge. "Jimin, I can't." Yoongi shook his head. "Please? Are you scared? Just close your eyes." Jimin rambled quickly as they made there way over to the line.

Yoongi knew it was a bad idea but he didn't want to seem like too much of a coward in front of Jimin.

"This is one of the activities on my long bucket list of things to do before I die someday." Jimin mumbled. "Definitely not on mine." Yoongi breathed out, Jimin laughing softly.

He drowned out the sound of Jimin talking excitedly about it, too dazed to even realize that they'd made it to the front after twenty minutes of waiting.

They signed a waiver before the staff began strapping them in to the contraption, Yoongi starting to shake slightly.

"Yoongi?" Jimin mumbled, but he didn't answer. They were sat down near the edge of the deck, Yoongi not even realizing they'd began floating away until he heard Jimin squeal excitedly.

Yoongi opened his eyes, stomach dropping at how high in the air they were. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit-" Yoongi panicked, Jimin glancing over at him and laughing.

"Yoongi look how pretty the view is." Jimin tried but Yoongi shook his head, keeping his eyes closed. He almost immediately stopped panicking feeling Jimin's hand grasp his, interlacing their fingers together.

"Yoongi, look." Jimin said once more, Yoongi hesitantly opening his eyes and the boy was right. The view was phenomenal, wishing he had his camera to take a picture, but of course it wasn't allowed.

It almost felt as if all the fear vanished completely, face fading to red as Jimin held his hand tightly. He almost didn't want to come back down, starting to enjoy the experience a little too much.

Once back down to the deck, Jimin let go of his hand, playfully teasing Yoongi about being afraid. "Told you it'd be fun." Jimin nudged him as they began walking away to find something else to do.

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