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The rest of the week wasn't any better for Jimin. It seemed like Hoseok would always get away with slipping in a rude comment towards him and the others never heard or noticed.

What hurt even worse was how friendly Yoongi would act towards Hoseok, but of course Yoongi couldn't tell Hoseok still had feelings for him.

Today was Friday, and tomorrow would be Jungkook's birthday party. Jimin was at least looking forward to that.

Jimin got up from his bed, noticing that he had a few missed calls from Yoongi. He obviously called him back as soon as he saw, hoping it wasn't anything serious.

"Hello?" Jimin murmured as soon as Yoongi picked up the phone. "Hi, baby." Yoongi answered sweetly. "Hi." Jimin smiled to himself.

"Why'd you call me?" Jimin wondered. "I wanted to know if you wanted me to pick you up and go to the café before school started?" He asked.

"Sure, that sounds nice." Jimin agreed. "Great, I'll pick you up at seven thirty, okay?" He said. "Okay, see ya then." Jimin answered before hanging up to get ready for the day.

He stood in his closet contemplating on whether he'd wear a skirt today or not. He knew the type of students that went to his school by now and they all seemed to keep to themselves and friends and seemed really sweet.

The boy decided not to, opting for a pair of shorts instead and a plain mint green t-shirt, along with a pair of converse high tops.

He did decided to wear his nasal cannula that day because he was beginning to experience symptoms of his illness at school, loss of breath being the most prominent symptom.

"You don't have to drop me off to school, Yoongi is coming to pick me up." Jimin informed as he sat in the kitchen with his mother.

"He's taking me to the café for breakfast." He added. "Aww, isn't that sweet of him." She smiled as Jimin nodded.

They sat there quiet for a while until Jimin spoke up. "I really love him, mom. And he really loves me too. I don't know what to do when the day comes where I'm not going to be around anymore." He started.

"I don't want you to worry about that now, Jimin. I want you to enjoy what you're experiencing now without that thought. I know it's hard, but you have to try." She insisted.

"I know." Jimin nodded. His phone buzzed in his lap, Yoongi notifying him that he'd arrived to pick him up.

"He's here, I'll see you later." Jimin waved as he headed for the foyer to leave out of the front door.

Yoongi stepped out of the car to greet Jimin, holding his arms out for the smaller to give him a hug.

Mrs. Park simply watched from the window in awe, content that her son finally had someone to make him so happy like that.

"I missed you." Jimin murmured as he held onto Yoongi tightly. "I just saw you after school yesterday." Yoongi chuckled as he hugged back, planting a kiss onto his forehead.

"You look pretty today. I mean, you look pretty everyday, I just-" Jimin cut him off, pressing their lips together briefly before pulling away. "Thanks." He grinned.

"Well, let's go." He said, the two getting into is car to go to the café.

Yoongi had noticed Jimin was wearing his nasal cannula today, which did concern him, but he was hesitant to ask about it.

"Are your symptoms getting worse?" He asked out of curiosity. "A little, I've been really out of breath while at school. I guess it's my fault for not wearing this there in the first place." Jimin sighed.

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