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"Well, what do you want to do first?" Yoongi asked after he'd paid for the both of their admissions fees.

"I wanna decorate pumpkins." Jimin clasped his hands together excitedly.

Yoongi simply nodded, allowing Jimin to lead the way to the tent that was selling miniature pumpkins to then be decorated or carved.

He paid for Jimin's, the two finding an empty decorating station to sit at so they could start.

Jimin picked a few light colored paint markers to begin his, Yoongi watching in adoration as the boy happily began decorating the pumpkin.

"I'm decorating mine for you." Jimin grinned.

"Aww, you don't have to." Yoongi chuckled.

"I want to though." The boy glanced at him for a moment before looking back at the pumpkin to concentrate, though his mind blanked as he felt Yoongi's lips make contact with his cheek for a moment.

"I'll make mine for you then." Yoongi nodded.

They both looked over at each other, the older smiling faintly as he gazed into Jimin's eyes. It was difficult to describe what he was feeling in the moment, but he didn't want it to disappear.

It felt so heartwarming.

He looked away shyly, proceeding on with his pumpkin decorating whilst he felt that Jimin's eyes remained on him for a few moments longer.

It was fairly quiet for the remainder of the time they stayed at the decorating station. Jimin was unusually not talkative, which in some aspect did worry Yoongi. The younger was quite a chatterbox, but it seemed as if he had nothing to talk about in the moment.

Yoongi colored in the last finishing touches of his pumpkin, adding a few shimmery accents before declaring he was done.

"Wait, I didn't finish yours yet." Jimin said.

He picked up one last paint marker, carefully drawing on the last bit of art to the pumpkin he was decorating for Yoongi.

"Okay!" Jimin finished, placing the marker down as they turned to face each other.

"You first." Yoongi said.

"No, you." Jimin giggled.

"But I wanna see yours first." The older begged.

"Fine." Jimin gave in right away, turning his around so that the decorated side faced Yoongi's direction.

"Aww, Jimin's that's adorable." He couldn't help but smile.

Jimin had drawn a cat's face and ears onto the pumpkin, being that he loved to compare Yoongi to them all the time.

"It's you, but as a kitty." He pointed out proudly.

Yoongi simply laughed, Jimin's creativeness being too cute for him to handle.

"Why're you laughing? It's is bad?!" Jimin pouted, turning the pumpkin away from Yoongi's view.

"No, baby, it's so cute. I'm laughing because it's cute." Yoongi chuckled.

He turned his pumpkin around next, the pumpkin he'd decorated for Jimin covered in different pastel colored hearts and stars with glitter. It was simple, but Jimin loved it.

"My favorite colors!" Jimin noticed, Yoongi nodding slightly.

"Sorry it's not half as exciting as yours." He apologized.

"Aww, don't say that. I love it." Jimin smiled at him.

Yoongi couldn't hold eye contact with him for more than three seconds, shyly looking away as he stood up from the table.

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