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"So like, how long do you have left?" Jin wondered as the group of boys sat at their usual table, having added a chair for Jimin to sit there too,

"My doctor said I should be able to live a little past graduation if I don't get any worse. I doubt that'll happen though." Jimin shrugged.

"Aww, don't say that. I'm sure you'll live past that." Taehyung said. Jimin smiled softly at how nice they were all being to him, still in shock that this was really all happening.

"You okay?" Jimin snapped his mind back to his senses, feeling Yoongi's arm snake around his waist. "I'm fine." He nodded.

"I think my mom manifested you here. She told me that I never knew when the next time I could see you would be and we might even be attending the same school." Yoongi laughed.

"I never expected to see you here." Jimin giggled.

"Jimin, I'm having my birthday party this weekend, wanna come?" Jungkook wondered. "Of course! When's your birthday?" The boy asked.

"It was two days ago." He replied. "Oh, happy belated birthday!" Jimin bubbled. "Thanks Jimin. Isn't he just the sweetest?" Jungkook asked the others.

"Yeah, I've never met someone as nice as him." Taehyung chuckled. "Are you always this nice to people?" Jin wondered. "Aww, you guys~" Jimin's eyes glimmered as he peered at all of them. They were all so nice too.

"Yeah, he's just so perfect." Hoseok muttered underneath his breath, but Jimin seemed to be the only one that heard it as the others continued conversation.

"I never caught your name." Jimin turned to him. "Oh, I'm Hoseok." The teen side-eyed him. "Nice to meet you." Jimin smiled. "Hmm." Hoseok hummed in response. He didn't like the smaller boy at all.

"Hoseokie, stop being a buzz kill." Jin nudged his shoulder. Yoongi met eyes with his ex for a moment, smiling a bit. He still had no clue Hoseok still had feelings for him.


After school that day, Jimin made sure he told his mother where he was going, the women quiet excited to hear that him and Yoongi had coincidently reunited.

"You have a car?" Jimin wondered as Yoongi took him by the hand, leading him to the parking lot. "Yeah, I got it for my birthday." Yoongi said.

"Lucky, I'm not allowed to drive." Jimin pouted as they got inside of Yoongi's sleek, black vehicle.

"Really, why?" Yoongi wondered. "If I were to have a respiratory episode, like I did on the cruise, I'd likely get into a car accident. My parents don't want me to risk it." Jimin explained.

"Ah, okay. That makes sense." Yoongi hummed as he drove.

It was fairly quiet in the car, the both of them overly excited to see each other again.

"How far from here do you live?" Yoongi wondered as they pulled into the driveway of his house.

"It can't be any longer than ten minutes away. I can't believe we've been living so close to each other this entire time." Jimin laughed.

They got out of the car, Jimin following Yoongi up to the door. He unlocked it and the two stepped inside, Yoongi grabbing Jimin's hand so he could go find his parents.

He located them in the kitchen, the both of them surprised to see Jimin again. "Guess who goes to the same school as me now?" He chuckled quietly.

"Aww, nice to see you again, Jimin. What a crazy coincidence." Mrs. Min laughed. "We're in my room." Yoongi said as they left the kitchen.

Once upstairs and into Yoongi's room, he shut the door turning to face Jimin with a small smile as he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.

"Gosh, I missed you so much." He murmured faintly before kissing him deeply. "I missed you too." Jimin whispered in between the kiss, carefully caressing Yoongi's face as he leaned away slightly.

The older pressed their foreheads together, Jimin gigging softly as Yoongi placed a kiss onto the tip of his nose.

"I didn't stop thinking about you the rest of the summer. I could never forget about you." Yoongi admitted. "Me neither. My mom thought my meds were making me crazy because I wouldn't stop talking about you." Jimin laughed.

It was like music to Yoongi's ears hearing his wholesome little giggles.

"Are you coming to Jungkook's party this weekend?" Yoongi wondered as he leaned away. "I don't know actually. Last time I went to a big party, I got my heart broke." Jimin laughed nervously.

"Please come, it'll be fun. I won't leave your side the entire night, I promise." Yoongi assured. "That's sweet of you." The younger smiled faintly. "I guess I'll go." He answered.

"Cool." Yoongi nodded.

The two sat on Yoongi's bed cuddled against each other, Yoongi deciding on what's they'd watch in the tv in his room.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." Jimin murmured as he clung onto Yoongi like a little koala. "I wish things weren't going to turn out the way they will in the near future." He added.

"Me too, but let's not think about that now." Yoongi suggested. Jimin let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a rest.

"Can I take a nap?" He asked. "Of course you can." Yoongi chuckled. "Today must've been a long day, hmm?" The older teen hummed. "Yeah." Jimin nodded.

"But I'm happy because I have new friends, and I got see you again." He peered up into Yoongi's eyes momentarily.

"I love you." Jimin whispered. "I love you too. Get some rest." Yoongi responded.

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