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That morning, Yoongi had woken up before Jimin so he could get ready for school. He still had to drop Jimin back to his home before he'd then go and buy something nice for him before school started. He wanted his birthday to be special.

After Yoongi had finished his morning routine and gotten dressed, Jimin had finally started to wake up. Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed beside him, leaning down with a faint smile to kiss his forehead.

"Good morning~" He whispered softly, the smaller looking at him to smile as well.

"Good morning." Jimin giggled as Yoongi began pressing more little kisses around his face. It was probably the best thing to wake up to ever.

"I gotta take you home so you can get ready for school too, come on." Yoongi stood from the bed, Jimin sitting up sleepily.

Yoongi had already grabbed Jimin's clothes and his backpack, the boy sliding his shoes on slowly and following Yoongi downstairs to leave the house.

"Do you think your mom can drive you? I have to be to school early to finish a test." Yoongi lied convincingly.

"Mmhm." Jimin hummed in response, eyes still half closed as he leaned against the window.

"Did you get enough sleep last night? I know we went to bed a little late." Yoongi remembered.

"A little bit, I just feel a little more fatigued today, I guess." Jimin murmured.

After Yoongi dropped Jimin off at home, he quickly stopped to the store to buy a two birthday cards, one to give to him at school and another to give to him later on that night. He also bought a couple of balloons and a bouquet of roses.

Jin and Jungkook were already at school decorating the outside of Jimin's locker. Yoongi wanted everything to be perfect.

His last stop was the bakery to pick up a custom cupcake he'd ordered for Jimin the day prior, marble cake with mocha and caramel swirl frosting, most of Jimin's favorite dessert flavors stuffed in one cupcake.

After Jimin finished his usual morning routine, he got dressed in a light brown sweater, opting on a black pleated skirt, something he hasn't worn in a while, and wore his favorite pair of black platform boots. He did his typical light makeup with fall colors instead of pastel, topping off his look with a cozy beanie and his beige jacket.

"Mom, you have to take me to school today, Yoongi can't pick me up." Jimin informed as he entered the kitchen.

"Alright that's okay." She nodded as she fixed Jimin plate of breakfast, cinnamon sugar pancakes with scrambled eggs.

"Happy birthday, sweetie. I'm so happy you've made it far along to see this day." The women smiled happily as she hugged her son.

"I'm happy too." Jimin nodded as he began eating his breakfast.

Once his finished, he grabbed his two bags and left out the door with his mother.

"Is Yoongi doing anything special for you today?" Mrs. Park wondered as she drove to the school.

"I mean, he mentioned he bought me a gift and said he was taking me on a date later but I'm not sure what else he has planned for me today." Jimin shrugged.

"Aww okay, well have fun and enjoy your birthday with him today. Your father and I will leave your gift and card from us on your bed since you'll likely be spending the rest of your day with him, huh?" She asked and Jimin nodded.

Once at school, he placed his nasal cannula on before getting out the car and waved goodbye to his mom, venturing to the entrance of the school building.

Jimin began approaching his locker, an ecstatic smile making its way onto his face as he noticed his group of friends standing there with bright smiles.

As he got closer, he noticed it was decorated cutely, assuming it mostly had to be Jin's idea.

"Happy birthday, bestie!" Jin squealed as him and Jungkook both hugged him, Taehyung and Namjoon wishing him a happy birthday as well.

"Thanks, guys. This is so cute." He smiled as he pointed to his locker.

It wasn't until then that he noticed Yoongi wasn't with them.

"Jimin, look." Jungkook pointed, Jimin turning around to see Yoongi standing nearby with a couple of balloons, a bag and bouquet of pretty roses.

He made his way over to Jimin, a small crowd of students standing nearby to watch the wholesome scene take place.

"Aw, was this all your idea?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded proudly.

"Happy birthday, baby." He grinned, the smaller reaching forward to wrap his arms around Yoongi for a long hug.

He pressed a kiss onto Jimin's cheek before leaning away, looking the boy up and down.

"Aw, you look so pretty today, baby. You're wearing a skirt too." Yoongi spoke softly.

"Thank you." Jimin's smile grew. "I wore it just for you." He added.

"We'll see you two later." The rest of their friends waved goodbye before leaving the two alone.

"Yoongi, you really planned all this for me?" Jimin mumbled.

"Of course I did. I want this day to be perfect for you." Yoongi nodded.

Jimin leaned back in to kiss him once more, giggling softly as Yoongi pecked the tip of his nose twice.

He handed Jimin the flowers and the bag containing the cupcake, the younger thanking him before putting the small gifts from Yoongi into his locker.

He shut the door, reaching a hand over to hold Yoongi's.

"I'll see you at lunch, m'kay? We have to get to class now." Jimin said.

He started to walk away but Yoongi pulled him back by his hand, caressing the smaller's face before connecting their lips once again, letting his stay against Jimin's for longer this time.

"I love you." He whispered, peering into his eyes contently.

"I love you too, you know I do." Jimin responded. "Bye." He said before Yoongi let go of his hand, waving as they both turned in opposite directions to go to class.

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