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As he finished his final exam, Jimin couldn't help but keep his eyes glued to the clock at the front of the classroom the same way everyone else had been doing for the past ten minutes. He was eager to leave for the day, watching as the second hand steadily made its rounds and minutes kept passing. The boy was too excited to see Yoongi since before lunch that day, the two really hadn't seen each other that entire week.

Jimin had missed spending so much time with him, it was paining him to have to sit there any longer than he needed. He was that ecstatic to see him, smiling to himself faintly just thinking about all of the plans he'd been formulating for their holiday break.

Once the final bell rang for the day, Jimin giddily stood from his desk to race the crowd of mentally drained students for the door, quickly pacing down the hallway towards his locker to retrieve the rest of his belongings to finally leave. Upon reaching it, the boy failed twice putting in the combination, too emotionally overwhelmed with joy.

He got it open after the third time, sliding his puffer coat onto his body along with his hat and scarf to shield him from the frigid December weather. However, before Jimin could even grab his backpack, he felt a pair of arms comfortingly snake around his torso from behind, his cheeks warming up immensely as he slowly turned around to come face to face with the older boy.

"Yoongi~" Jimin whined out of embarrassment as he hid his face in his shoulder, considering how crowded the hallway still was and their pda was garnering a few curious eyes.

It wasn't like it was abnormal for students to see and he didn't mind Yoongi being affectionate towards him in front of others, he just hated the attention on him.

"What? I just missed holding you." Yoongi spoke quietly. "Look at me, baby." He whispered.

Jimin slowly lifted his head to lean away slightly, immediately meeting Yoongi's darker eyes, yet they were so warm to gaze into. He just wanted to stay like that forever in his hold.

"I missed this too." Jimin agreed, smiling softly as he felt Yoongi's grip tighten around him.

"Did the rest of your exams go okay?" Yoongi asked.

Nodding, Jimin let go of him to place his backpack onto his shoulders. "I think I did pretty okay, they weren't too hard. Probably not as hard as college entrance exams would be." He laughed to himself.

"Gosh, I'm not looking forward to those." Yoongi sighed.

"Well that's months away, don't think about them now. Sorry I even brought it up." Jimin shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm not sure I want to go to university right away anyways. I'm gonna need a lot of time to myself after graduation and all." Yoongi admitted.

"Right..." Jimin remembered.

Going to right to university right after losing the love of his life? Yoongi couldn't bare to do that.

"Anyways, did you still want to come to my house? My dad finally cleaned the fireplace out so we can use it to roast marshmallows." The younger grinned, Yoongi intertwining their fingers together as they began making their way for the exit.

"Of course I do. I'm gonna stop to my house first to grab a few things and then we'll head to yours." Yoongi planned.

The two practically ran to Yoongi's car once outside in the freezing cold air, the wind chill making it colder than it actually was. Though, Jimin didn't fully sprint to prevent having a respiratory episode. Yoongi had beat him to the car, the younger giggling as he approached seeing him already seated on the drivers side cranking the heater on.

Jimin sat in the passenger seat, letting out a long sigh as they both turned to face each other.

"I've seriously been waiting for this moment all day." Yoongi chuckled quietly, still holding Jimin's tiny hand in his own.

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