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"Yoongi, are you excited for school tomorrow? It's your last year you have to step foot into that building." Mrs. Min asked at dinner time.

Yoongi had barely touched his food. He was still upset thinking about Jimin. He'd been like this the entire summer, even his friends stopped inviting him out because either way he'd usually decline. Yoongi was just stuck in this depressive state.

"No, not really." He answered after a few moments. "You're not excited to graduate and move out of here?" His father joined in the conversation.

"No." Yoongi sighed. "Everything's meaningless now." He said. "Are you still upset about Jimin? Yoongi, I know it's hard, but you're gonna have to let go of him eventually." His mother began.

"The chances of you seeing him again is really low." She said. Yoongi gave her a displeasing look, pissed off that she would even say something like that knowing how sad he's been lately.

"You don't get it, do you?" Yoongi started to frown. "I need to find him again, mom. He's going to die by the end of the school year and I don't want my final memory of him to be him crying and us saying goodbye to each other thinking we'd see each other again." He chided.

His parents both gave each other look before turning back to look at him. "You know, I'm not really that hungry." Yoongi stated before standing up and going back upstairs to his room.

"Yoongi!" His mother called, but the teen ignored her. "Leave him be for a while. This is really hard for him." Mr. Min said.

Yoongi got ready for bed early that night, his logic being that if he was asleep, he wouldn't have to worry about being sad over Jimin. But even then he'd still dream about the boy.

There was no getting him out of his mind.


Jimin approached the door to his parent's room that evening, knocking before they gave him permission him to come inside.

"Can I talk to you guys about something?" Jimin murmured as he stood by the doorway in his pajamas. He was about to go to bed for the night, but the thought had been bothering him.

"Sure, sweetie, come here." His mother waved him over.

Jimin sat on the bed between his parents, his father comfortingly rubbing his back. "What's on your mind, Jimin?" He asked.

"I'm really scared about school tomorrow. What if people don't want to be my friend?" He looked at the both of them innocently.

"Aww, who wouldn't want to be your friend?" Mrs. Park wondered. "I dunno. I'm just scared it'll be like how it was in Busan." He admitted.

"I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends tomorrow. You have such a wonderful, sweet personality." His father assured.

"You really think so?" Jimin peered up at him. "Yes, your mother too. And if something happens, tell us, okay? We're here for you." Mr. Park smiled softly.

"Thanks guys." Jimin hugged the both of them before standing up to head back to his bedroom.

He laid in his bed, letting out a quiet breath as he closed his eyes. Then Yoongi appeared in his thoughts, a small smile making its way onto his lips. I love you, Yoongi, and I miss you. He thought to himself.


That next morning, Jimin woke up still feeling nervous about school. He took a shower before getting dressed in a casual outfit, a baby blue t-shirt, overall shorts and a pair of plain white sneakers.

He arranged his hair in its typical style before applying a light layer of makeup to his face, leaving his bedroom with his backpack and lunch bag.

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