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Yoongi couldn't find Jimin at lunch. It seemed like for whatever reason, the boy was playing cat and mouse, and didn't want to be found.

The last hour of the day had to be Jimin's breaking point, because his teacher, who is a male, called him to stay after class so they could talk.

He hesitantly stood at the teachers desk, the man shutting the door before coming back to sit down. He picked up a sheet of paper that seemed to be a note.

"Jimin, I'm only bringing you here now to tell me the truth before I brought this to the principal..." He began.

"W-What?" Jimin let out before his teacher handed him the note.

'Dear Mr. Yu, Can you please raise my grade. I really want a good grade in this class. I'm willing to do anything. Let's meet somewhere and maybe we can have a little fun xx"

"I-I didn't write t-this." Jimin started to cry all over again.

"I thought so, Jimin. I know it's not my business, but I've been hearing a lot of rumors all day that I know aren't true. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Mr. Yu asked.

"There's n-nothing to do. I d-don't know why they're doing this to me." He hiccuped.

"I suggest you speak with the principal, Jimin." The man nodded.

Jimin quickly wiped some of his tears as he left the classroom, heading to his locker to grab his things and go home for the day.

Before he could even get there, he stopped in his tracks upon seeing Yoongi standing in front of his locker.

"Jimin..." He let out once he noticed the boy standing there, quickly running over to him and pulling the smaller into his arms tightly.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." Yoongi whispered.

"A-Am I really e-easy, Yoongi? Am I-I a slut?" Jimin sobbed.

"No, baby, you're nothing like what anyone is saying. You're not easy and you're not a slut, okay? Whoever started that rumor isn't going to get away with it." Yoongi shook his head.

"I love you, okay? I know it's really hard not to have those certain thoughts, but please talk to me if you start feeling down. I won't lose you to this." He whispered "I can't." Yoongi added.

"C-Can I spend the night at your place? My parents w-won't be home I cant be alone t-tonight." Jimin sniffled.

"Of course you can, baby. You don't have to ask. We can watch movies, maybe bake some cookies if you want too. Anything that'll make you feel better." Yoongi whispered comfortingly.

He leaned away a bit, holding onto Jimin's hand as they left the school building to head to his house.

Jimin remained quiet the entire ride there, continuing to cry as Yoongi tried his best to comfort him. He was already beginning to suspect Jimin was getting those thoughts again.

"Jimin, it's going to be okay." Yoongi whispered as he drove.

"I-It's not." Jimin shook his head. "Everyone thinks the s-same things about m-me now." He hiccuped.

When they arrived at Yoongi's house, Yoongi didn't expect his mother to be home, but she was.

"Oh, hi guys- aww is Jimin okay?" She asked as soon as she saw that the boy was crying.

"He will be. Some stuff just happened at school today. We'll be in my room." Yoongi informed quickly as they slid their shoes off, grabbing Jimin's hand to to take him upstairs to his room.

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