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That next morning, Jimin woke up with a headache and his bottom was slightly sore. He let out a long sigh, remembering the previous night.

He started to sit up before he felt Namjoon's heavy, strong arms wrapped around him.

"Aww, you're leaving me already?" He chuckled in his low morning voice.

"N-No." Jimin giggled quietly.

"Was I too rough last night?" He asked, pulling Jimin closer to his body.

Jimin shook his head as he faced Namjoon, leaning his head against his chest.

"It's already noon." Jimin noticed the time on the clock.

"Well, you were asking for more." Namjoon teased.

"I'm going to go shower first." Jimin murmured, Namjoon letting go so the smaller could get up.

He entered the bathroom and shut the behind him, letting out a heavy sigh as he stepped into the shower and made sure the water was on the warm setting.

Jimin got lost in his thoughts, thinking about how even though he'd went as far as to have sex with someone else, he still loved Yoongi, and was never going to stop.

As much as he tried pushing him away, it wasn't going to work, and at this point, Jimin was getting tired of it. He couldn't keep doing this to Yoongi.

After Jimin finished his shower, Namjoon lent him some clean clothing after changing the sheets off of his bed to fresh ones.

"I won't take long, then we can talk if you'd like." Namjoon said before entering the bathroom.

Jimin sat in the bed, pulling the blankets over him as tears started to well up in his eyes.

He couldn't stop thinking about how hurt Yoongi must be at the moment. Surely Jimin had gone through a lot of pain, but Yoongi had to be feeling so much worse.

Guilt could drive people to death sometimes.

He didn't even realize he'd started crying until Namjoon exited the bathroom.

"Oh, Jimin what's wrong?" He rushed over, tightly hugging Jimin as the boy cried in his shoulder.

"I can't do this a-anymore. I can't g-get over him because I-I still love him s-so much." He cried.

"Shhh, I knew you did. It's going to be alright. Yoongi still loves you too, he never stopped." Namjoon spoke quietly.

"I-I just feel bad for using you." Jimin uttered.

"It's okay, I promise. That's what I was here for. Plus, that means I get to fully express my feelings to Jin now. Don't worry about it." Namjoon reassured.

"Thanks, Namjoon, I-I really appreciate it." Jimin nodded

He was dropped off at home after eating breakfast with his friend, contemplating on whether he should call Yoongi or not.

He sat on his bed, staring at the boy's contact on his phone before pressing the call button.

Jimin bit his lower lip nervously as he listened to the dial tone go once...twice and then, Yoongi answered.

"Jimin?" The younger heard Yoongi's shaky voice answer.

"H-Hi, Yoongi." Jimin mumbled.

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