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Just as Jimin predicted, the next week had gone by rather smooth. The days leading up to the big exam day on Friday had consisted of each class presenting their students with numerous practice exams in preparation for the real deal. The boy felt prepared, but he could tell Yoongi was struggling with the pressure of passing, though it wasn't particularly an issue for him anyways. Yoongi didn't seem to show it off much, but he was actually extremely smart and excelled well academically.

However, with so many things on his mind lately, mostly things surrounding Jimin, he felt as if he could barely focus. The fact that'd they'd barely even spoken all week wasn't helping him either, if anything it was causing him to lose more focus.

That Friday, the day of exams, Jimin had practically flown through the first three during his morning classes. They were easy, just like the practice exams they'd previously just done, but Jimin still felt like he didn't do as good as he hoped because of his slightly fogged brain just as Yoongi had been experiencing. To make matters worse, he'd forgotten to pack a lunch with him that day, only realizing once they were released from their third exam.

The cafeteria usually didn't serve lunch on exam day, as most students were heavily advised to bring their own separate lunches and sit in individual lounge spaces whether in the library, study rooms, etc. to prevent as much distraction as possible. That, and the fact that they didn't prepare lunch the day before holiday break because it'd only go to waste. However the school's snack bar was still open because there was no preparation needed for prepackaged snacks.

Jimin exited out of his third hour class into the hallway to head to his locker, quickly retrieving the study packets for his next two exams. After there lunch hour, they'd be allowed a short study period before heading into their last two exams for the day.

While at his locker, Jimin's mind had been so lost in thought he didn't even notice Jungkook approaching his locker, nearly jumping once the boy had finally reached his side.

"God, you scared me." He clenched his chest with his free hand, shutting the locker door close.

"Sorry, I thought you saw me coming." Jungkook giggled. "Where's your lunch? You know they're not serving any today." He noticed.

"I know, I totally forgot. I think I'm just going to grab a snack from the snack bar and push through the rest of the day." Jimin sighed.

"Well, actually, I had last hour with Yoongi, y'know. And I heard from a little birdie that he's waiting for you in study room three-fifty." Jungkook nudged Jimin's shoulder.

"You know I can't go, I'll get distracted." Jimin shook his head.

"Oh so what? Come on spending lunch together won't ruin your exam result. Plus everyone's sneaking to sit with their friends anyway. Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and I are all sitting in a room together anyways so just go. By little birdie I meant him, he wants to see you." The brunette insisted.

"Okay, okay." Jimin let out a laugh, his face laughing deeply hearing how much Yoongi so desperately wanted to see him.

He'd known the older boy couldn't wait until after exams to see him properly.

After his trip to the snack bar, Jimin slowly ascended the stairs up to the third floor to study hall were a small chunk of individual study/work rooms were available, strolling down the quiet hallway until he reached the designated room Yoongi had snagged just for the two of them.

Nervously, he lifted his hand up to knock on the door softly, smiling to himself adorably as he could hear Yoongi slightly shuffling on the other side of the room before the door finally swung open. He glanced up into Yoongi's eyes contently, being met with the same faint smile as he reached his hand out and pulled him inside before shutting the door.

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