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The two went back to Yoongi's house after the date, where he ordered takeout to be delivered to the house for dinner.

"You're coming to Namjoon's party this week, right?" Yoongi asked as they ate over light conversation.

"I don't know, I feel like I shouldn't. Hoseok might be there and he really hates me right now." Jimin mumbled.

"I'm not going to allow him anywhere near you whilst we're there. Come on, it'll be a lot more chill than what Jungkook's party was. It'll be more of a hang out." Yoongi explained.

"I guess I'll go." Jimin agreed. "Great, I'm sure Namjoon will be happy to hear." Yoongi smiled softly.

"What type of things does he like? I have to get him a gift." Jimin wondered.

"Oh, he's really into music and nature. A house plant would satisfy him, or maybe a nice pair of earbuds." Yoongi suggested.

"I'll get him both! Since it is the only birthday I'll get to celebrate with him." Jimin reminded. "That's...really sweet of you." The older smiled to himself, beginning to blush as he heard Jimin giggling.

"You're so cute when you get all shy." Jimin said. "Shut up." Yoongi stood up from the the table as he finished his food, Jimin following him up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom.

"I know you hate when I call you that but I don't care." Jimin continued to laughed as Yoongi shut the door.

Yoongi just stood there, staring at Jimin in adoration before he let out a quiet laugh himself, reaching his arms out to pull Jimin closer to him, hugging the boy tightly.

"I really hope you enjoyed today." He whispered. "I did, thank you so much. I'm so happy I was finally able to go to Lotte World." Jimin thanked him.

"You're outfit would've been prettier if you wore a skirt." Yoongi leaned away to look into his eyes, winking adorably. "Aww, you really think so?" The boy asked, and Yoongi nodded.

"I'll wear one next time." Jimin assured, leaning in to kiss him. "What, I didn't look pretty today?" Jimin teased.

"N-No, you did I just meant that-" "Idiot, I'm just messing with you. You're so cute." The smaller laughed as he watched Yoongi's face begging to redden as he became flustered.

"You looked pretty today." Yoongi reiterated. "Thanks." Jimin smiled softly.

"Ready to go to bed?" He asked, and Jimin nodded, the two getting dressed into pajamas, Jimin wearing some of Yoongi's of course because he didn't bring any with him.

They laid cuddled beside each other in bed, Yoongi noticing that Jimin's breathing had gone shallow, something that had been happening a lot lately.

"Baby, can you breathe okay?" Yoongi wondered as he moved the comforter away from Jimin's face. "It's getting harder, Yoongi." He admitted, eyes glossing over with tears as he looked up at him.

"Shhh, don't cry. I know you're scared, and I am too. But right now I just need you to calm down. Relax, okay?" He spoke softly, pressing gentle kisses onto Jimin's face.

"I'm scared that I'm not going to make to graduation, especially since fall and winter is coming up so soon and my immune system is really weak because of my illness. If I catch even a cold, it could be over for me." Jimin panicked slightly.

"You're going to make it, I know you will." Yoongi murmured, holding the smaller in his arms tighter. "Just try and get to sleep, okay? I don't want you worrying so much." He instructed.

He felt the boy calming down, Jimin's breathing slowly easing back to it's normal track as he started to fall asleep.

"I love you." Yoongi whispered. "I love you too." Jimin whispered back, nearly inaudible because he was on the brink of slumber.

He watched as Jimin finally fell asleep, tears beginning to well up in his own eyes.

Yoongi was eager to somehow find a way to keep Jimin alive as long as possible. He didn't want to believe that sometime near June, the boy wouldn't be around anymore.

Yoongi loved Jimin too much to lose him. He was just such a pure soul, and Yoongi knew he should've listened to Jimin when he said not to get attached to him, but he couldn't help it.

Jimin was truly his only motivation to keep going everyday, and to not have him around anymore right at the moment in life he'd need a someone like Jimin the most was very disheartening.

There was a small knock on the bedroom door, Yoongi's mother entering after a few seconds. She smiled faintly upon seeing Jimin in Yoongi's arms, feeling glad and sad for him at the same time because she was well aware of Yoongi's future circumstances with Jimin.

Mrs. Min then noticed that Yoongi had tears in his eyes, frowning slightly as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"You okay, sweetie?" She whispered, watching as Yoongi reached a hand up to caress Jimin's face.

"I love him so much, mom. I really do, and I don't want to believe that soon he's not going to be here anymore. And the fact that there's nothing I can do about it...I don't know how I'm supposed to live with that." Yoongi breathed out as the tears fell.

"Aww, I know. It's going to be very hard, Yoongi. Losing someone you love this much is something that's very devastating and I can't imagine how you feel knowing that you have to expect it so soon. But I want you to enjoy all the time left you have with him." His mother advised.

"You two have something very special together, and I'm really happy for you that you met him and got to experience falling in love with someone for the first time. It's something you should cherish forever, and I know you will." She smiled softly.

"Get some rest, okay? I'll make breakfast for you two in the morning, how's that sound?" Mrs. Min lightened the mood slightly. "Sounds great, thanks mom." Yoongi thanked her before she stood up.

"Keep in mind what I told you, alright?" She reminded, and Yoongi nodded before she left the bedroom so he could go to sleep.

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