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Their next destination took nearly an hour and a half to get to, but Yoongi knew it was worth the drive and it'd give enough time prepare Jimin's next surprise.

They arrived at Songdo Central Park, which was decorated nicely for the fall season, Jimin already admiring its beautiful night scenery.

Yoongi parked his car and the two got out, Jimin shivering slightly at the chilly evening weather.

"Are you too cold, hmm?" Yoongi asked. "No, I'm okay." The boy nodded as he placed his nasal cannula on, being they'd be doing a little bit of walking.

Yoongi held his hand out, in which Jimin gladly grabbed it and locked their fingers together. Nighttime was Jimin's favorite part of the day because he thought everything looked ten times prettier under the glow of colorful neon or warm toned street lights.

Yoongi stopped Jimin in front of the large fountain at the center of the park, reaching into his bag he'd brought along that contained his polaroid camera.

He held the camera up to his face, smiling faint as he peered through the lense to get a clear, high-quality glacé at Jimin's radiant smile.

He took two pictures, placing the items back into his bag as Jimin skipped back over to him to continue holding his hand.

Of course he didn't mind that Jimin had purposely began walking slower to take in the beautiful beautiful scenery and calm ambience of the park.

This would be his first and last time seeing these types of things and he wanted to thoroughly enjoy it as much as he could.

"You okay?" Yoongi asked softly as they started to approach the lake. He'd started to notice that Jimin hadn't really said a word sense they arrived.

"Yeah, I'm okay. This is just bittersweet for me." Jimin admitted, his smile faltering twice.

"Baby, look at me." Yoongi stopped walking.

Hesitantly, Jimin stopped to looked at him, the older caressing his face gently as he let out a sigh.

"It's okay to feel upset. Don't hide your feelings from me." He shook his head, the smaller swallowing thickly as he struggled to hold back tears.

"I have such little time to see everything I want before I die. The world is just so pretty, and I-I don't wanna leave." Jimin whispered as a couple of tears fell, Yoongi quick to wipe them away with his his thumbs.

"Shh, I know. Don't cry, Jimin." Yoongi whispered back. "I'm gonna try and take you to as many places as you can before the time comes, I promise." He said.

Yoongi planted a small kiss onto his forehead before leaning, letting go of his face to hold his hand and continue the walk.

Once they were about to the lake, Yoongi guided them over to the dock where there were paddle boats that illuminated a variety of colors as you rode it.

Of course, Yoongi only offered because he'd be paddling the entire time. He didn't want Jimin too because that's be a huge risk to the boy and his condition.

He paid for the both of them before the instructor led them to a boat and guided them through the basics on how to use it, though Yoongi had done this before and didn't really need it.

"Yoongi, you know how dangerous it would be if I fell into the water?" Jimin murmured as Yoongi began paddling out into the lake.

"Yes, but you're not going to fall out." Yoongi laughed softly.

Once Jimin threw away the fear of falling into the water, the ride became more peaceful, the only noise being the quiet paddling coming from the boat and the water around them.

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