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Today was Tuesday, and Jimin would finally be coming home from the hospital safe and doing much, much better.

Only, Jimin didn't feel happy about it. That Monday, Yoongi said he'd visit Jimin during lunch, but he never showed, so Jimin spent the day alone. His parents did stop by, but not for long because they had work.

Jimin was leaving the hospital in about an hour, and decided to text Yoongi because he hadn't spoken to him since Sunday night.

Jimin: Yoongi, why've you been ignoring me?☹️

Yoongi: I'm sorry.
Yoongi: I've been busy.
Yoongi: Sorry I didn't visit yesterday, or today.

Jimin: Can you come over? I'm about to leave the hospital to go home.

Yoongi: Sorry, not today, I have a test to study for.

Jimin: You never study for tests. Why are you avoiding me?
Jimin: I thought we were okay now?

Yoongi: Aww, baby🥺
Yoongi: We're okay, I promise
Yoongi: I just can't come over today.

Jimin: Can you at least call me later?

Yoongi: Of course!
Yoongi: l love you<3

Jimin: I love you too<3

Jimin sighed quietly, waiting to get the last of his evaluation results before being able to leave the hospital.

Before they did leave, Jimin changed into some fresh, comfy clothing his mother I brought for him. He was sick of wearing those hospital clothes.

"Mom, you know Yoongi and I are-" "I know sweetie, I'm happy for you, honestly." She smiled faintly.

"Oh..." Jimin mumbled.

"But he hasn't really spoken to me since Sunday night. What if he didn't really mean it?" The boy worried for seemingly no reason.

"Sweetie, he had school yesterday." Mrs. Park laughed as they got into the car.

"I know, but he promised me he'd come visit me during lunch and after school, but he didn't." Jimin pouted.

"Things come up. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you at school tomorrow." She assured.

Whilst at a red light, she got a text on her phone, smiling a bit too happily at it before declaring they had to stop somewhere before going home.

His mother stopped at the grocery store, slowly walking around the aisle to find whatever she needed before putting them in the basket.

"Mom, I really wanna go home and lay down." Jimin complains about her slow pace.

"I'm just getting things to make dinner tonight. We'll be leaving soon." She answered before grabbing one last item and for some reason, picked the longest check-out line.

The rest of the drive home was quiet, Jimin nearly drifting to sleep until they arrived at the house.

"Wait here for a moment. Let me tell your father that you're home." Mrs. Park said before getting out of the car.

Jimin rested his head back against the window, about to fall asleep again until he realized his mother had been in the house for a while now, and had brought the groceries in too.

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