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That next morning, Jimin woke up in a slight daze, his head aching as his eyes slowly fluttered open to adjust to the bright sunlight spilling through Yoongi's window.

It was oddly quiet, quiet enough that he could hear the soft breeze passing outside through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle.

Jimin then took a moment to remember where he was, blushing softly as he leaned away from Yoongi's chest a bit and stared directly into his eyes.

"Were you just watching me?" Jimin whispered, giggling softly as Yoongi nodded proudly.

"I only woke up a few minutes ago. I wasn't trying to be creepy." Yoongi reasoned.

"I was just messing with you, Yoongi. It's honestly cute." The boy murmured.

Their faces were so close in proximity, Jimin couldn't help but lean in and close the small gap in between their lips for a second or two.

"Aww, that's all I get?" Yoongi teased playfully, causing the blush on Jimin's cheeks to become more prominent before he leaned back in to press their lips together longer this time.

Yoongi savored every last second of the kiss, pulling away with a faint smile as he caressed Jimin's face gently with a hand.

"You feeling okay? I wasn't to rough or anything with you last night, was I?" He wanted to be sure, Jimin's heart quickening at the sudden remembrance of their intimate moment the previous night.

"No, you weren't, Yoongi. You're always so gentle with me." Jimin answered.

"You're birthday is in a few days." Yoongi suddenly realized.

"Yeah, it's on Tuesday. I'll finally be nineteen." Jimin smiled.

"Ha, you're going to be twenty before we graduate." He laughed.

"Shut up, my parents started me in school a year later." The older pouted as he sat up.

"What do you wanna do for it? Anywhere you wanna go?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin laid his head onto Yoongi's lap, looking up into his eyes with a small smiled.

"You pick somewhere." Jimin insisted.

"Really? You sure?" He murmured and the boy nodded.

"You know your away around Seoul the best. Pick somewhere you think I'd like. You've done a pretty good job of doing that so far." Jimin said.

"M'kay, I'll find somewhere I think you'd like." Yoongi assured, leaning down to peck Jimin's lips.

"You excited for the dance tonight?" He asked.

"Of course I am." Jimin smiled as he sat up beside Yoongi.

"I'll be beside you the entire night, I promise. We'll have fun." Yoongi nodded.

Jimin was quiet for a few seconds before letting out a sigh.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"I think I need my medication altered again." Jimin began.

"How come?" The older asked out of curiosity.

"I'm getting side effects again. The suicidal thoughts, mood swings, trouble breathing...." He murmured, his eyes suddenly becoming fixated on the bathroom doorway.

He reached up to rub his eyes in hopes that the person standing there would disappear, but they didn't.

"Hallucinations..." He uttered

Jimin was staring directly into Hoseok's eyes, a devious smirk on the older teens face.

"Baby, what are you looking at?" Yoongi frowned slightly, noticing the horrified expression plastered across Jimin's face.

Jimin closed his eyes momentarily, opening them again to see that he was gone.

"N-Nothing, I just fazed out for a moment." Jimin denied, shaking his head.

"You just got one, didn't you?" Yoongi guessed.

"They just started last night." Jimin admitted.

"What or who did you see?" Yoongi questioned, Jimin's hold on his hand tightening.

"Hoseok..." Jimin peered at Yoongi, letting out a shaky breath.

Yoongi pulled Jimin into his arms, holding him tightly in an attempt to calm the boy and his erratic breathing.

"It's not real, Jimin. I've never experienced hallucinations so I can't say much, but please try and remember it's not real. I'm here, and that's all that matters, okay?" Yoongi whispered, placing a kiss onto Jimin's forehead.

They stayed cuddled aginast each other in bed for a little while longer until Yoongi suggested they get up to eat breakfast.

Jimin followed Yoongi downstairs and into the kitchen, flinching abruptly as he saw Hoseok sitting on the countertop, the same devious smile on his face as he lifted up a hand to wave.

Jimin quickly blinked, and he was gone.

"What do you want to eat?" Yoongi asked as he rummaged through the pantry, taking out a box of chocolate flavored cereal for himself.

"I'll just eat what you're eating." Jimin shrugged as he sat at the island counter.

Yoongi fixed both of their bowls of cereal before sitting beside Jimin at the counter, humming quietly as he took a bite of his breakfast.

Sadly for Jimin, he had to take his medication. It would be fatal if he were to skip taking it, despite getting the terrible side effects.

He downed the two pills, eating his food slowly as he started to dread the rest of the day. Jimin knew that night would be fun, but with his hallucinations getting worse by the hour, he wasn't sure he was looking forward to it anymore.

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