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Yoongi's promise to try and spend as much time with Jimin as possible didn't hold like he thought it would, and the ordeal surrounding it all started today, Jin's birthday. Today was like any other normal Friday, Jimin happier than ever of course because he was staying over Yoongi'a house later on as he usually did on weekends. But today was even better because they had the day off from school.

However, Jimin woke up that morning with an odd feeling resonating inside of him, like something good wasn't going to happen, but he couldn't quite pin point it.

He'd woken up to his phone ringing, confused as to why Yoongi was calling him so early since they had the day off today. The last time Yoongi called him at a weird time was because he was going through a breakdown and needed his emotional support.

"Hello?" Jimin whispered groggily.

"B-Baby?" He could hear Yoongi's shaky voice over the phone, his heart dropping as he fully sat up.

"Yoongi? Are you okay?" Jimin suddenly felt panic rising in his chest.

"I just n-needed to know you were still here..." Yoongi cried.

"What're you talking about? Yoongi, I'm okay." The younger spoke softly.

"I-I'm tired of these nightmares, Jimin. I'm s-so scared." He continued to sob.

"It's going to be okay, I promise. I'm going to come over, alright? Let me call-" Jimin insisted as he started to stand up from his bed, but was cut off by Yoongi.

"I'm at your house already. I-I'm outside in my car." Yoongi admitted to Jimin's surprise, the boy rushing downstairs to the foyer of his home.

Jimin swung open the front door to find that Yoongi was indeed parked in front of his home, the older stepping out of his car. He was visibly distressed, his body trembling and the skin around his eyes and cheeks were flushed from crying so hard. He quickly waved Yoongi towards the door so he could come inside from the cold December air, his heart sinking seeing how sad he looked as he got closer.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm right here and I'm just fine." Jimin whispered as Yoongi stepped into the door, reaching his hands up to caress his face gently.

"I-I really thought you were gone. It f-felt too real." Yoongi sobbed.

"I know, but it wasn't. I'm still here." Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck to hug him tightly, Yoongi holding him just as tight as he hugged back.

It seemed he really needed that hug, considering his grip on Jimin didn't seem to be loosening anytime soon. He'd never seen Yoongi like this before, not since his last big breakdown where he was self harming back in October. That realization in itself started to worry Jimin because he didn't know if Yoongi had started again, hoping that it wasn't the case.

"Let's go up to my room and we can talk there, m'kay?" Jimin suggested, Yoongi silently nodding as he let go of Jimin, continuing to hold onto his hand as the younger led him up the stairs to his bedroom.

They were the only ones in the house, being that Jimin's parents had gone to work already. It was pretty quiet as the two sat close together on Jimin's bed, the only sound was Yoongi's little hiccups and cries as he sobbed into the boy's shoulder.

"I'm here, Yoongi, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I got you." He tried his best to comfort him.

He felt like it was partly his fault Yoongi was feeling this way. He warned him when they first met each other that he couldn't get emotionally attached because losing him was going to be the most gruesome emotional pain he was ever going to experience in his entire life. Jimin hated the fact he was going to die because he wouldn't be there to comfort Yoongi through his pain like he's been doing since he met the boy. It was so disheartening.

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