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Jimin sat quietly on Yoongi's bed beside the older, who was scrolling through a streaming program in search of a show for the two of them to binge watch that night.

He picked one that seemed interesting, though Jimin would likely be asleep within the next few minutes and he'd be the only one watching it.

"Aren't you excited for your birthday tomorrow?" Yoongi asked with a small smile, holding Jimin tightly in his arms.

"Of course I am. I'm excited to see what you got me." The boy murmured. "I hope you'll like it." Yoongi smiled faintly.

"Can I get a hint at least?" Jimin pouted.

"No, you'll see tomorrow." Yoongi chuckled as he picked a show and started the first episode, though neither of them were necessarily paying attention.

"How've you been feeling lately, hmm?" He wondered after a bit of silence.

"I dunno, Yoongi. It's weird...and complicated." Jimin shook his head slightly.

"Just tell me, m'kay?" Yoongi whispered.

"How would you feel right now if I told you that you were going to die sometime in June? It wouldn't be a good feeling, would it?" The two met eyes, and Yoongi could tell Jimin wanted to cry.

"I keep seeming like I've come to terms with it, but I haven't, Yoongi. I'm scared and I don't wanna die." He uttered.

"I don't wanna leave you." The younger concluded, and something about that sentence broke Yoongi inside a little.

"I'll be okay, Jimin. Right now I'm going to love you as much as I can before the time comes. You can be sure of that." Yoongi assured.

He peered at the clock on his night stand, a smile growing on his lips as he turned back to face Jimin.

"Happy birthday, baby." He grinned, caressing the boy's face as he leaned in and kissed his lips sweetly.

"I can't believe I made it to see my birthday." Jimin murmured.

"I'm so glad you did." Yoongi whispered, holding the smaller close in his arms. "I love you, more than anything. I'm so happy I met you." He spoke quietly.

"I love you and I'm so happy I met you too, Yoongi." Jimin responded back in a whisper, eyes glossed over with tears.

"Oh, Jimin..." Yoongi's expression softened, his thumbs gently stroking Jimin's face, prepared to wipe the tears away before they fell from his eyes.

"Why're you crying, baby?" He asked, and it was enough to make Jimin break down.

"I-It's stupid." He shook his head. "No, tell me." Yoongi insisted.

"Our p-parents probably don't take are relationship that seriously. I-I mean, think about it. We're still high schoolers so they probably t-think you'll just get over me after I'm g-gone, and I'm afraid that's just what's going to end up h-happening because you'll be all grown up a-and will probably forget about me cause y-you found someone else." Jimin sobbed.

"And it h-hurts to think about because I-I really love you, seriously." He concluded.

"Aww, Jimin..." Was all Yoongi could murmur, letting out a soft laugh.

"Y-You're not taking me seriously either-" "No, baby that's not why I'm laughing. I just think it's so cute you feel that way about me." He clarified, pressing a kiss onto his forehead as he carefully wiped the boy's tears away.

"Why do you think I don't feel the same way about you, hmm?" The older asked.

"I d-dunno." Jimin answered honestly.

"You're the only person I'll ever love, trust me. Even after you're gone, nothings going to change. I can't love someone else like I love you." Yoongi spoke sincerely.

"Do you trust me on that?" He imposed, the two of the meeting gazes and for that short moment, Yoongi swore he felt time stop momentarily as he watched the younger smile through his tears.

"I trust you." Jimin nodded, giggling as he noticed Yoongi's cheeks were now a vibrant hue of pink.

He continued to hug Jimin in his arms until he completely calmed back down, kissing away the last of his tears before leaning away slightly.

"We should go to sleep now. It's pretty late, huh?" He suggested, and Jimin nodded.

The two laid down beside each other in the bed, Yoongi reaching over to switch off the lamp so they could go to sleep.

Jimin leaned his head onto Yoongi's chest, closing his eyes and letting out a quiet, content sigh.

He felt Yoongi shift slightly, beginning to blush as he noticed how close Yoongi was to his face.

"I love you so much." He whispered into Jimin's ear, feeling the smaller's grasp tighten around him slightly. "Get some rest for me, okay?" He concluded, Jimin nodding slightly before they both drifted to sleep for the night.

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