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The day came where the ship finally arrived on what most tourist call The Big Island, which is where most typically visit when going to Hawaii.

"Yoongi~" His mother called as the raven haired teen finished packing up his belongings. "Yes?" He answered. "I've got exciting news for you." She grinned. "What is it?" He asked.

"We're staying in the same villa with that little crush of yours." She clasped her hands together excitedly. "He's just a friend, mom." Yoongi started to blush. "Oh, cut the bullshit, Yoongi. You like that boy, don't you?" She confronted. 

"Yes, but please don't mention it in front of him." Yoongi pleaded. "I won't, I won't." She laughed softly.

"There's only three rooms so you two will share. And it's upstairs so if you two wanna, y'know-" "Mom it's not like that, oh my gosh..." Yoongi cut her off, hiding his embarrassingly red face as she laughed hysterically at her son.

"Come on, they're trying to get everyone off within the next hour." She instructed.

Yoongi zipped up his suitcase and rolled it to the door. His father did a quick sweep of the room to make sure they had everything, even though they'd be coming back after a week and would have the same room.

They'd be on the island for ten days on their own to do whatever they wanted before being required to board the cruise to head back to California so they could fly home to Seoul.

Yoongi exited the room behind his parents, following them to the elevator. He was sure as hell thankful that their parents had bonded that quick they decided to stay in the same accommodation.

Once to the lobby, Yoongi spotted Jimin without trouble, the boy no longer using the nasal cannula. He happily skipped over to Yoongi with a smile, Yoongi smiling back gently.

"We're staying at the same house together!" He spoke excitedly. "I know, my mom told me." Yoongi chuckled at his excitement.

They stuck by each other's side as they left the cruise, staff warmly greeting the tourist and placing lei around their necks.

The two followed their parents to a shuttle taking them to the small subdivision of villas. Jimin sat beside Yoongi, the two looking at each other and simply smiling. They were more than happy to be spending the entire trip together.

Upon arriving at the villas, their parents guided them to the welcome center where they were given keys to their designated villa which was in walking distance.

Once there, they entered and set all their luggage in the living room. "Welp, we're finally here." Yoongi's father ruffled his hair.

"You two can go explore, enjoy yourselves. Don't get lost and Jimin, no running please." Jimin's mother urged the last part. "I know." Jimin rolled his eyes. Their parents have them enough money to spend throughout the rest of the day, the two leaving the villa to go explore a little.

"Where do you wanna go?" Jimin asked Yoongi. "I'm dunno, I've never been here before." He laughed. They spotted a souvenir shop, entering to look around to see what types of cool things they could find.

Jimin ended up picking a necklace while Yoongi couldn't find anything to his liking. After Jimin bought it, they exited the store, Jimin noticing the ocean in the near distance.

"Wanna go to the beach? We can just stay on the sand and probably get ice cream too. It's burning up out here." Jimin suggested and Yoongi agreed of course.

He was going to agree to do everything Jimin wanted to do because he wanted the boy to experience everything he wanted to do before his time was up on Earth.

Once at the beach, they stopped into the small shop that was selling food, souvenirs and beach supplies like floaties and buckets for sandcastles.

The two both bought ice cream before finding a cabana to sit beneath, avoiding the hot sun.

"Hey Yoongi?" Jimin mumbled. "Hmm?" Yoongi hummed as he ate his ice cream. "Do you actually think I'm pretty? Or were you just joking with me yesterday?" Jimin wondered.

Yoongi turned to face him, Jimin staring into his eyes. "I meant it, Jimin. You're really pretty." Yoongi complimented.

"You're so sweet, Yoongi. Nobody's ever said that about me before and actually meant it." Jimin beamed, eyes glimmering with joy.

They stayed on the beach for almost two hours conversing, not having the energy to keep track of time. Jimin checked his phone and frowned a little.

"We should probably head back to the house, it's almost six." He informed, Yoongi's agreeing as they stood up.

Jimin stumbled a bit, placing his hand on his head. "Are you okay?" Yoongi's tone suddenly became concerned. "Yeah, just a little dizzy. I stood up to quickly." Jimin answered after a few seconds, the world still spinning around him.

"Hop on my back, I'll carry you back to the house." Yoongi offered. "I'm too heavy." The younger pouted. "No you're not, I'm sure you're as light as a feather, come on." Yoongi waved him over.

He knelt down slightly to allow Jimin onto his back, Jimin wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck so he wouldn't fall. Yoongi held onto Jimin's legs as he began walking, not struggling one bit to carry him.

"Does your back hurt?" Jimin murmured.

"You're really light, don't worry about it, Jimin." Yoongi mumbled as he strolled along the sidewalk back to the house.

Once they arrived, Yoongi set Jimin down, the boy blushing a little as he peered into Yoongi's eyes. "Thanks." He uttered. "Yeah, of course." Yoongi nodded before unlocking the door, allowing the two inside.

They decided to take their luggage up to their room, Yoongi grabbing Jimin's for him so he wouldn't get too out of breath walking up the stairs.

There was a small hallway, the bedroom in the right side while there was a bathroom on the left and a small sitting area at the end of it.

They entered the bedroom, Jimin laying on the bed sleepily. There was a bed, a desk, a dresser to store their clothes in, as well as a fairly large closet, a small sitting area and a tv.

Yoongi sat on the bed beside Jimin, the smaller crawling beneath the comforter and that's when Yoongi realized they had to share the bed.

"Are you sleepy?" Yoongi asked. "Mhm." Jimin hummed. "Go to sleep then." Yoongi whispered. He hesitantly reached his hand over to brush his fingers through Jimin's silky hair, the smaller smiling faintly to himself as Yoongi did so.

"Where'd our parents go?" Jimin asked, his voice a bit muffled from under the comforter. "My mom texted me a couple minutes ago that they went grocery shopping." Yoongi said.

"Ah, okay." He nodded. "Are you like, fluent in English?" Yoongi asked. "Pretty much. I can speak it really well but writing it is kind of hard of me." Jimin explained.

"I should've paid attention in English class." Yoongi chuckled. "Yep, that's your loss. But don't worry, I'll translate things while we're out together tomorrow." Jimin assured.

"Aw, thanks." Yoongi peered down at him. He took his hand away from Jimin's hair but the smaller grabbed his hand. "Why'd you stop?" Jimin met eyes with him.

"I wasn't sure if I was making you uncomfortable or not." Yoongi responded. "No, I liked it." Jimin admitted, Yoongi placing his hand back on Jimin's head to continue brushing is fingers through his hair.

He sighed lightly, a small smile lingering on his as he kept his gaze on Yoongi's eyes.

Soon enough, the boy had drifted to sleep because of Yoongi's comforting touch.

He made sure the comforter was covering him properly before just sitting there, staring at him in awe.

"Wow, your even pretty when you sleep." Yoongi whispered softly as he caressed Jimin's face with a hand, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb.

He was definitely falling harder and harder for him as the days went on.

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