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It was nearly seven in the evening, and Jimin had just gotten finished getting ready to head out with Yoongi, springing up from his vanity as he heard the doorbell ring from the foyer downstairs.

"Jimin! I think Yoongi's here!" His mother called.

"I know!" Jimin called back, making sure his outfit looked okay before leaving his bedroom.

The boy made his way down the stairs, letting his sweater sleeves fall past his hands and nervously fidgeting with his sweater paws as sauntered to the front door.

He opened the door, smiling faintly as he came face to face with Yoongi. Jimin felt his heart start to beat as he let the older inside, shutting the door behind him. He'd been looking forward to this moment all day, but as soon as it arrived, the boy couldn't help but get all nervous.

"Hi." Yoongi mumbled.

"H-Hi." Jimin responded awkwardly.

Yoongi simply stared before they both bursted into the laughter at how ridiculous they were being.

"Why are we like this." The older boy shook his head as he continued to chuckle softly.

He took a moment to study Jimin's appearance, befuddled on how Jimin managed to look so beautiful every time they had a date together. Or just anytime he'd see the boy. He was just effortlessly stunning, and it was one of the things Yoongi loved so much about him. How could wear whatever clothes, whatever makeup and style his hair however, and he'd still look so pretty.

"What, Yoongi? You're just staring." Jimin questioned.

"Nothing, I just-I...you look really pretty." Yoongi stumbled over his words.

"Thank you." Jimim smiled cutely.

"We should go, yeah?" He suggested, holding out his hand for Jimin to hold.

The boy nodded, gladly taking Yoongi's hand into his own as they walked down the pathway to where Yoongi's car was parked. The two sat in the car, waiting for the small space to heat back up before Yoongi began the drive downtown to find this café Jimin had been oh so eager to visit.

"I still don't get cat cafés." Yoongi mumbled.

"How could you not, it's just cats." Jimin shrugged, noticing the small smile on Yoongi's face.

"You have the cutest interests. I've never known someone who'd willingly want to go to a cat café. I mean that in a good way though." The older chuckled softly.

"I feel like you're making fun of me." Jimin pouted slightly.

"No, baby, of course not. I promise I mean it in a good way. It's cute, really." Yoongi argued.

Once downtown, it was already dark outside, being that the days were getting shorter as the year went on. Jimin absolutely loved this time of year. The cool weather, leaves shifting colors, the choice of hot chocolate or hot apple cider paired with donuts, everything having a warm orange tint and early nights. It felt the coziest.

Once arrived at the café, Yoongi parked fairly easy because not many people were there this time of day, especially being that this was a school night. However, Yoongi was spoiling Jimin, wanting to take the boy on as many fun dates to wherever he wanted as possible.

They both got out of the car, Jimin holding onto Yoongi's hand as they sauntered up to entrance. They were greeted by a kind lady, a small kitten perched on her shoulder as she handed the both of them a menus before guiding them to a table in the dining area, where cats weren't allowed for obvious reasons.

They sat their belongings down at the table, Jimin excitedly rushing back over to the area with all the cats to play with them.

He sat in a small area towards the back, two cats making their way towards him. Jimin sat the small calico cat in his lap, an orange toned cat circling around Yoongi.

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