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The next morning, Jimin had woken up before Yoongi to the sound of knocking on their door. Mrs. Park peeked her head in and greeted her son with a smile.

"Remember, we're going to the beach later on today. If you and Yoongi want to go out today again, that's okay with us because your father and I and his parents are going out." She informed.

"Okay." Jimin spoke quietly. "Is he treating you well?" She awed upon seeing Yoongi's arms wrapped around Jimin. "Yeah, I really like him." Jimin nodded with a little smile.

"That's great. Breakfast is ready for whenever you two want to come down and eat." She added. "Thanks." Jimin said before she closed the door.

Jimin carefully eased his hand up and poked Yoongi's cheek a few times. "Yoongi, wake up." He murmured, shaking him by the shoulder.

He eventually started to wake up, pushing Jimin's hand away with a quiet groan. "Did you sleep okay?" Jimin wondered. "Not really." Yoongi sighed.

"Why? Did you have a bad dream?" Jimin pouted. "No, I couldn't get to sleep. I was just worried about you." He admitted. "Aww, Yoongi. You don't have to worry about me so much, okay?" Jimin insisted.

"I can't really help it." Yoongi murmured. "Yoongi, look at me." Jimin instructed, the older meeting gazes with him. He pecked his lips and offered a little smile, Yoongi feeling some sense of comfort from it.

"Don't worry about me. I'm okay, I promise." Jimin repeated, Yoongi's hold around him becoming tighter.

They stayed quiet for a little while, Jimin enjoying the feeling of Yoongi holding him in his arms. "We get to go to the beach!" Jimin chirped, Yoongi mentally awing at him.

"I know." Yoongi chuckled. "Can we build a sandcastle?" Jimin glanced up at Yoongi with his pleading puppy eyes, the older completely melting inside. "Of course we can." He nodded. "Yay~" Jimin smiled brightly.

"You're so cute, baby." Yoongi mumbled, reaching a hand up to cup Jimin's chubby cheek. Jimin was taken aback by the nickname, his face starting to redden.

"You called me 'baby'." Jimin uttered. "Is it okay that I call you that?" He asked for permission. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot." Jimin's cheeks were a pretty hue of rosy pink.

"Cool." Yoongi smiled. He leaned in to kiss him, Jimin gladly kissing back as he slid onto Yoongi's lap. Yoongi held onto Jimin's waist gently, his hands roaming to his thighs as they continued to kiss.

Jimin hummed quietly as he pulled away to catch his breath, Yoongi staring up into his eyes. "It's really easy to get you in the mood." Yoongi chuckled.

"Yoongi?" Jimin mumbled. "Yeah?" Yoongi responded. "I'm not easy." Jimin's expression saddened. "Oh, no I didn't mean it like that." Yoongi breathed out.

"I'm sorry it came off like that." Yoongi apologized. "It's just, the guy I told you about last night, he called me that when he told me he didn't actually like me. I guess the word in this context just makes me upset." Jimin said.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi repeated. "It's okay,  you didn't know." Jimin mumbled. He leaned back down and reconnected their lips in a more gentle kiss, not half as needy as the previous one.

Jimin's phone buzzed on the nightstand, the boy reaching over and grabbing it. He read over his mother's text and smiled a little.

"Our parents went out on their own today, so we can either go out too before we go the beach, or we can stay here." Jimin said, climbing off of Yoongi's lap to stand up.

"I don't know, I'll let you pick." Yoongi shrugged. Jimin thought for a moment before his face lit up. "There's an aquarium, can we go there?" Jimin asked.

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