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That evening, Yoongi sat in his room sulking about how he acted like such a coward and didn't just go up to the boy to talk to him.

"You okay, sweetie? You've been laying in the same position for an hour." His mother sounded concerned. "No." Yoongi groaned.

"What the matter?" She asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Were you ever given an opportunity but completely ran away from it?" Yoongi asked. "Yes, multiple times." The woman laughed.

"Mom, I saw this boy while walking around-" "Oooo, you never talk about this stuff with me~" She spoke giddily.

"Anyways, he was really pretty and he caught me looking at him, but instead of going up to him to talk, I walked away." Yoongi sighed.

"There's thousands of people on this ship, I'm never going to see him again." He mumbled. "Well, you never know. Try looking for him tomorrow where you found him today." His mother suggested.

"Yeah, I guess." Yoongi nodded. "Well, there's a nice restaurant your father and I would like to take you to. Get dressed into something nicer so we can go." She changed her tone.

"What's wrong with this?" Yoongi questioned his outfit which consisted of black sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. The woman cringed. "Put some nicer clothes on." She instructed, Yoongi rolling his eyes as she left the bedroom.

He changed into a plain white button up and a pair of dark grey shorts, still opting for his pair of black platform converse high tops before grabbing his phone and exiting the the bedroom.

His mother and father were talking amongst themselves before noticing Yoongi standing there. "Ah, looks like you're ready to go." Mrs. Min smiled brightly.

The left their suite, Yoongi sliding in his earbuds as he followed them down the hall to the elevator.

"Yoongi, you'll be be deaf before you even graduate if you keep blaring music in your ear like that." His father pulled an earbud away from his ear. "Don't..." Yoongi mumbled, sliding it back in.

Once in the lobby, a staff member guided the to a golf cart, driving the small family to the other side of the of the deck where the restaurant was located.

As they entered, Yoongi shuddered at the sudden blast of the cool air conditioning, wishing he could've just wore his sweatpants.

There were multiple levels of the restaurant, his parents choosing to sit on the top level because there was a nice view of the ocean from there.

Once situated at their table and assisted by their waiter, Yoongi took his earbuds out and decided to just take in the ambience. He took a few pictures on his phone, peering out at the pretty sunset.

"Yoongi, you're father and I would really like you to enjoy this vacation. We'd been planning it for months because we knew you'd probably try and stay in bed all summer." His mother laughed to herself.

"I'll try." Yoongi shrugged. His eyes wandered about the levels below, feeling too hopeful he'd spot to boy again. He looked back up and across to the other side, eyes widening upon finding him seated at a table with his parents.

Yoongi's heart began beating harshly against his chest, in disbelief he'd managed to see him again for the second time. It was such a weird coincidence but he was grateful for it.

Yoongi intentionally stared this time, watching and waiting for the boy to look back at him. Eventually, they ended up meeting eyes, Yoongi noticing how the stranger's eyes widened a little before a small smile appeared on his lips.

Yoongi looked down into his lap, nervously fidgeting with his phone. He was for sure going to try and find him again tomorrow.

"Yoongi, what's been going on with you and Hoseok? Aren't you two-" "Mom, we broke up a while ago. I really don't wanna talk about it." Yoongi shook his head.

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