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Later on that evening, Jimin had gone back to his house to get ready for the dance, and Yoongi would be picking him up.

He got dressed in his suit, though in his mind he wished he could've worn a dress. A dress would've caught him negative attention rather than positive, so he decided not too.

Jimin applied a light layer of glam styled makeup, as well as making sure his fluffy blonde hair was presentable before he headed downstairs.

"Aww, don't you look pretty." His mom complimented with a bright smile, his father snapping a photo.

"Dad, delete that, it caught me off guard~" Jimin whined, the older man chucking as he shook his head.

"Yoongi is taking you, right?" His mother wondered as she handed him his mini backpack containing his oxygen.

"Yeah, he should be here any minute." Jimin nodded.

"Are you spending the night with him? I'm just going to assume you are." She winked.

"Yes." The boy responded, blushing softly as he slid the backpack on and placed the nasal cannula on his nose comfortably.

The doorbell rang moments later, Jimin happily rushing over to answer. He swung the front door open, smiling adorably as Yoongi smiled right back at him.

"Wow..." Was all Yoongi could say as he stepped inside and got a good look at him.

"You look so beautiful." He complimented, expression softening as he swung his arms around Jimin's waist gently.

"Aww, thank you." Jimin continued to blush as Yoongi pressed a small kiss onto the tip his nose, feeling a bit awkward exchanging that type of affection in front of his parents.

"Okay, let me take you pictures!" Mrs. Park clasped her hands together excitedly as she instructed them to stand in front of the grand staircase.

Jimin stood close by Yoongi's side, the older keeping and arm wrapped around his waist as Mr. and Mrs. Park took their pictures.

"Wait..." Yoongi started, reaching in his jacket pocket to retrieve his polaroid camera.

"Can you take a few pictures on this?" He asked and Mrs. Park nodded, holding the camera up to take a few more pictures.

Before Mrs. Park took the last picture, Yoongi turned to face Jimin, and out of habit, Jimin turned his head to peer up into his eyes lovingly, both of them leaning in to press their lips together as the last photo was taken.

"How sweet." Mrs. Park smiled happily.

"Be safe, okay?" She waved as the two exited the house.

"I will, bye!" Jimin waved back as they got into Yoongi's car.

Yoongi turned on the vehicle, switching the heater on so they could warm up a little before leaving.

"How've you been today so far? The hallucinations aren't worsening, are they?" Yoongi wondered.

"I dunno, it's been pretty mild. I haven't gotten one in an hour." Jimin said.

"Well, try not to worry tonight, m'kay? We're gonna have fun." Yoongi grinned excitedly as he grasped Jimin's hand, lifting it up slightly to press a kiss onto it.

"You're so sweet, it's actually sickening." Jimin giggled as Yoongi began to drive to the school.

"Be happy I'm not a big meanie." Yoongi laughed as well.

The drive was fairly peaceful, Jimin peering out the window as they made their way to the school. As they were driving by a house though, Jimin noticed a person standing on the sidewalk unsettlingly close to the street.

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