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The following week after the minor fiasco at Jin's birthday party seemed rather un-amusing, as each day went on as normal like nothing happened. It appeared, per usual, that Jungkook and Taehyung had slowly but surely made up with each other. The two hadn't spoken to each other all week until Wednesday, that is when the rest of their friends noticed their clinginess towards each other had reappeared and Jungkook could hardly leave his side that day.

On the other hand, things between Jimin and Yoongi had mellowed out after the older's mild breakdown. Though, Jimin still worried for him of course. These days he seemed to worry more about Yoongi than Yoongi worried about him at this point. He didn't know that Yoongi was so susceptible to falling into such a deteriorating headspace, but now that he did and was more aware of the older's struggle with his mental health, he wanted to be there and care for him just as much as Yoongi did for him.

Today was like any other weekday, only added that students had began preparations for their midterm exams that were soon approaching next week before they were released for a well needed break until after new years. Jimin was ecstatic yet saddened because this would in fact be his last Christmas. It was a daunting thought, but the happiness overpowered any sadness that he felt since he'd be spending the holidays with family, his well-established group of friends and the love of his life.

He couldn't wait to spend all of his holiday break with Yoongi.

He'd already began planning numerous dates from going snow tubing, ice skating and Christmas shopping to cozier nights where they'd bake cookies and build gingerbread houses or binge watch classic Christmas movies to get in the spirit even more-

"Jimin? Jimin, you there?" The boy was snapped out of his thoughts as he remembered he was still on the phone with Yoongi, his thoughts having drifted away so quickly.

"Yeah, sorry." Jimin answered, still smiling to himself.

"Sorry, I have kept you up late, you must be sleepy." Yoongi apologized.

"No, I'm not, really. I just zoned out, that's all." The boy shook his head, sitting up and against the headboard of his bed so that maybe he wouldn't actually get tired now that Yoongi mentioned it.

They'd been talking on the phone for nearly three hours that evening because Yoongi had needed to feel some sense of comfort in that moment, but it didn't take long for him to feel better and they'd been having casual conversation since. Jimin didn't mind, obviously. Knowing this was making Yoongi feel safe and comforted, he'd talk to him all night until they both eventually fell asleep over the phone if need be.

"Thinking about what?" Yoongi asked teasingly.

"Well, we haven't been on a date in a while." Jimin started. "I was just thinking of ideas, that's all." He said.

"Yeah? How about after midterms next week tell me all your ideas and we can do them all over holiday break. That sound okay?" Yoongi suggested.

"Sounds perfect." Jimin hummed, his face subtly beginning to heat up at his tone.

Yoongi had a way of talking that drove him crazy inside sometimes.

"Hey, Jimin?" He spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"What is it?" Jimin answered.

"Thank you for always being here for me." Yoongi said quietly, voice low and almost sounding apologetic. "I know it's not convenient to talk this late at night, but it means a lot to me."

"Of course, Yoongi. You know you can talk to me whenever, that's what I'm here for. I don't care when, always talk to me when you need me." The younger stated.

Yoongi fell quiet once again, Jimin unsure of what he was feeling in that moment because it wasn't like he could see Yoongi's expression over the phone. However, for some reason, he could sense he still wasn't feeling his best and was only putting up a front for him. Jimin would be lying if he said it wasn't frustrating because he worried for Yoongi so much, he wouldn't forgive himself if the older hurt himself again because he couldn't see the signs something bigger was going on.

"Hey, you okay?" Jimin worried.

"I'm okay, baby, just thinking." Yoongi chuckled softly.

"About what?" The younger wanted to know.

"How much I love you." He said.

The two both started laughing quietly over the phone at Yoongi's cheesy response, Jimin adorably kicking his feet against his bed from the sudden fluttery rush the sentence gave him. He should've seen it coming but it still caught him off guard.

"Well, I love you more." Jimin said.

"Not possible, because I love you the most." Yoongi argued.

"Fine, fine." The younger gave up rather fast. "I love you too." Jimin concluded it there.

"I know I won't see you much for the rest of this week and next week so good luck on your exams. I can't wait for holiday break." Yoongi bubbled.

"Me neither. Good luck to you too. I already know you'll be the top of the class." The boy assured.

They both said their goodbyes before ending the call there so that they could go to sleep for the night. Exam season had to be the hardest being that they'd barely hung out in and outside of school because everyone was on crunch time cramming for their midterm exams. Even though it wouldn't necessarily matter in the end, Jimin still wanted to succeed the rest of the time he spent in school whether he made it all the way to graduation or not.

However, Jimin just knew the week would fly by quicker than expected and he'd finally be on holiday break free to spend however much time he wanted to with Yoongi.

All he wanted was more time with Yoongi, it was his only wish in the world beside getting to live a normal, full life. Though that wasn't the case, so he was going to cherish every second he had with him.


A/n: Short chapter I know, but I feel bad for not updating as much lately.

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