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That Monday was quite a mess, but not really until lunchtime.

Jimin woke up at a reasonable time, yawning quietly as he sat up in his bed. His phone began to ring, noticing he'd already had a few missed calls from Yoongi.

"Hey, why are you calling me so early?" Jimin whispered groggily. "Good morning baby~" Yoongi chirped. "Good morning." Jimin giggled. "Eww why'd you say it all soft like that." He added.

"Cause you just woke up, I'm not going yell good morning into the phone." Yoongi said, the both of them laughing.

"Wanna skip school?" Jimin wondered. "What? No, Jimin where'd you get that idea?" Yoongi's tone shifted.

"I dunno, I just had so much fun with you yesterday, I wanna go out somewhere again. There's just so many places I wanna go before I-" "Baby..." Yoongi cut him off.

"I promise I'll take you to as many cool places in the city before the time comes. But I'm not letting you skip school." Yoongi said.

"It won't matter anyways, I might not even make it to graduation. Why should I even be going to school? It's not like people even like me there." Jimin sighed.

"Jimin, I'm not excusing it, but it's one person. And I'll deal with Hoseok today." Yoongi assured. "But, I don't want you to be thinking that way either. You have so much to live for in the next few months, and I'll make sure it's the best next few months of your life." He concluded.

"Gosh, I love you so much." Jimin blushed madly as Yoongi spoke so sweetly to him.

"I'll pick you up to take you to school today. I'll pick you up everyday, I mean, unless I can't." Yoongi established. "M'kay, I'll see you soon, bye." Jimin murmured. "Bye." Yoongi said as they both hung up to get ready for the day.

Jimin decided to dress a bit cutesy that day, opting for a slightly oversized striped long sleeve and a pair of overalls, completing it with a pair of white sneakers.

He almost decided on a skirt, but the way people were looking at him at the party still bothered him a bit, even though he said he was going to stop caring.

Jimin carried his belongings down the stairs, meeting his mother and father in the kitchen to eat a small breakfast. "Hi sweetie, I made some pancakes if you'd like some." She pointed to the plate placed on the kitchen counter, a stack of cinnamon sugar pancakes calling his name.

"Thanks." He murmured as he grabbed three to place on his own plate. "How've you been feeling lately? How's things with Yoongi?" His father wondered as he ate.

"Okay, I guess. Things with Yoongi are great though." Jimin smiled to himself. "That's good, it's nice to see you this happy again." He said, patting Jimin's back as he grabbed his suit jacket and briefcase.

"Your father and I will be home a little bit later tonight, we have a work party to attend." His mother informed. "Oh, okay. Have fun." Jimin said.

After a while, the doorbell rang and the boy hopped up from the chair, saying goodbye to his parents before heading to the foyer.

He swung open the door with a happy smile, Yoongi standing there smiling himself as Jimin hugged him.

"Damn, are you going to hug me every time I pick you up in the morning?" Yoongi asked. "Mhmm." Jimin nodded with a hum as he continued to hold onto Yoongi.

"Why, you don't like it?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi shook his head and laughed. "I never said I didn't like it." Yoongi spoke contently before hugging him back.

They let go of each other, heading to a Yoongi's car to leave for school. "I really don't want to go to school." Jimin sighed.

"Hey, don't worry about it so much, Jimin." Yoongi spoke quietly as he drove them to school. "The day will be over before you know it, then we can hang out after school or something." He comforted.

Once they arrived, Jimin was greeted by Jin and Jungkook at his locker. "Namjoon's birthday is next week, you going to his party?" Jin wondered.

"Woah, another party already?" Jimin wondered excitedly. "Yeah, his birthday and mine aren't too far apart." Jungkook laughed a little.

"Of course I'll go." Jimin grinned. "I'll see you at lunch, I'm going to head to class." Yoongi whispered to the boy, pressing a kiss onto his lips quickly before walking away from the three.

"You two are like, really really close." Jin began. "I mean, yeah. He's my boyfriend." Jimin laughed as he placed a few of his belongings into his locker.

"Have you two done it before?" He went on. "Jin..." Jimin started to blush at the memory of his intimate moment with Yoongi.

"What, I was just wondering." Jin rolled his eyes playfully. "Once, and it was one of our last nights in Hawaii." Jimin admitted.

"Aww, that's so romantic. Was it your first time?" Jin asked. "Y-Yeah." Jimin nodded, still attempting to suppress a bad memory. "It was Yoongi'a first time too so it was genuine." He smiled faintly.

Jin and Jungkook's smiled faltered as they both looked at each other then back at Jimin. "Jimin, Yoongi's first time wasn't with you." Jungkook shook his head.

"W-What?" Jimin tilted his head in confusion. "Come on, the bell's going to ring, I'll tell you in class." Jungkook said quickly as he guided Jimin to their first hour.


"Jimin, I really hate to tell you, but Yoongi's first time was with Hoseok. Last school year, they left homecoming early to hook up." Jungkook explained sadly.

"How do you know that?" Jimin wanted to cry. "Because Hoseok wouldn't quit bragging about how good Yoongi was in bed that Monday at school." Jungkook explained.

Jimin turned away for a moment, painfully feeling as if he were struck in the chest. He didn't think being heartbroken would actually physically hurt.

"Jimin, are you okay? I know it's heavy news to handle but-" "He lied to me." Jimin breathed out as he turned to face Jungkook, tears welling up in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook wondered. Jimin made sure nobody else was paying much attention to them as they continued to talk whilst working in their art assignments.

"In my old town, to make a long story short, I was taken advantage of. We were both unsure of if we wanted to have sex or not, but in the end I found out he was just using me to see what it's be like to have sex with a guy." Jimin explained to Jungkook.

"Oh, Jimin I'm so sorry." Jungkook felt terribly guilty about the entire situation. "The night Yoongi and I did it, he told me it was his first time, and when we finished, I asked him if he could pretend like it was my first time too, and h-he played along to make me feel better about the past situation." Jimin felt a tear fall.

"Now that I know he was lying, it doesn't feel that good to know that it probably wasn't as genuine as I thought it was." He concluded.

"That's really upsetting to hear." Jungkook leaned over and hugged him. "You poor thing." He whispered.

It was overwhelming to hear that for sure, Jimin just didn't know how to confront Yoongi about it.

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