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"So, how was your trip to Hawaii?" Yoongi's friend, Namjoon, asked as they were on their way to meet the rest of their friends at the park.

"I'll just tell you all about it when we get there. It's kinda a lot." Yoongi laughed sadly.

"Aww, did you meet some guy or something?" Namjoon attempted to guess. "I'll tell you about it when we get to the park." Yoongi repeated.

Upon arriving, the two found the rest of their friend group sitting at a spot under the tree, two of them with ice cream cones in hand while the other two seemed to have finished eating theirs already.

"Hey, Yoongi. We missed you." Jungkook grinned as the dark haired teen sat down beside him, Hoseok sitting on his other side.

"I missed you guys too." He lied. As mentioned before, they barely even included him in friend outings in the first place, of course he didn't really miss them.

"So how was the trip?" Jin asked. "Fun, I met this boy..." He started. "Oh my gosh, really? What's his name?" Jin was surprised Yoongi had gotten the courage to talk to a random stranger.

"Jimin." Yoongi answered. "Oh, he's Korean too. Wow lucky you." Taehyung laughed. "What's he like?" Namjoon asked. "He's really sweet, probably the nicest person I ever met. I don't think he has it in him to be mean to anyone. Overall he just has a really nice personality." Yoongi nodded.

"How come he's not here? He lives in Seoul, right?" Jungkook asked. "Yes, but we forgot to exchange numbers, so I really have no way of finding him again. It kinda sucks because he..." Yoongi got tripped up on his words, starting to tear up at the thought of Jimin being gone for good eventually.

"What?" Jin tilted his head. Yoongi then went onto explain about how they're dating but he really doesn't have that much time left with Jimin because of his illness.

"Aww, that's so sad. Like, he's not going to be around after this school year?" Taehyung wondered and Yoongi nodded.

"I really love him, and I miss him so much, but there's no way I'll ever see him again unless we run into each by coincidence. I doubt that'll even happen." Yoongi sighed.

"You never know." Hoseok murmured. He'd been awfully quiet the entire time Yoongi talked about Jimin. "Yeah, you're right. But he probably lives all the way on the other side of Seoul." He sighed.

"Okay, well, try and be optimistic, okay? Who knows, what if he even attends our school now." Jungkook suggested. "Oh, I highly doubt that." Yoongi laughed.

"Be optimistic." Jungkook pointed out.


"Mom, do you think he's forgotten about me?" Jimin wondered as he sat beside her on his parents bed. "No, sweetie, it's only been a week since we got back. He couldn't have forgotten about you that quick." She shook her head.

"You're saying he's going to forget about me?!" Jimin's eyes started welling up with tears. "Aww, Jimin no, that's not what I meant. I don't think he'll ever forget about someone he loves so much." She clarified.

"I can't believe I'm never going to see him again." Jimin sighed. "You don't know that, sweetie." His mother tried. "I do, mom. How would we ever see each other again?" Jimin looked up at her.

"Hmm, maybe at a grocery store, or just out in public in general." She shrugged.

"I miss him so much." The boy pouted. "I know, Jiminie. You'll see him again in the near future. I can sense it." She assured.

Jimin really hoped so.

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