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Jin's party had began later on that night, Jimin and Yoongi showing up a few minutes late, but that's only because Yoongi had to get the boy a last minute gift.

"You've been friends with Jin all these years and still have no clue what type of things he likes?" Jimin giggled as they got out of Yoongi's car and made their way up to the front door of Jin's house.

Jimin rang the doorbell, already able to hear the chaos of a party happening within the house as they stood there and waited for Jin to come answer the door. A few moments later, the locked was fiddled with before the door finally swung open, revealing an obviously drunk Jin clinging onto Namjoon.

"Hey guys." Namjoon greeted them, chuckling softly at the situation.

"Oh my gosh, Jiminnnnnn!" Jin finally let go of Namjoon and tightly squeezed the smaller boy in front of him in his arms as he pulled him inside.

"Happy birthday, Jin." Jimin couldn't contain his laughter as Jin finally let go of him.

"Omg you got me a gift?!? You're sooooo sweeeet." He was handed the gifted bag, reaching his arms back out to hug Jimin.

"You know, you're my bestest friend everrr. But don't tell Jungkook cause he's a jealousss bitch sometimes. I don't care if we just became friends a few months ago, you're the bestest friend I've had." Jin rambled on, Jimin still laughing until he felt Jin's weight dropping onto him.

"Oh-Jin?!" He panicked as he nearly fell to the ground himself trying to hold the boy up. 

"Alright, that's it. You're drinking water the rest of the night." Namjoon rushed to the rescue, picking Jin up off of Jimin to drag him to the kitchen.

Jimin followed the two, his laughter subsiding as Jin finally quieted down. Namjoon handed Jin a water bottle, the older quietly sipping it as he frowned at Namjoon.

"You're killing my fun." Jin nudged him.

"Well, I don't want you completely wasted the entire night." Namjoon reasoned, the two continuing to bicker with each other.

"Sometimes I wonder how I'd act if I ever got drunk." Jimin had turned to Yoongi and laughed at the idea.

"Please, I don't even wanna know." Yoongi chuckled as he shook his head.
"Probably more adorable than you already act now." He teased.

"I'm not adorable." Jimin pouted, only proving himself wrong as Yoongi awed softly, reaching his hands up to squish his puffed out cheeks.

"You're the most adorable person I know. You can't back yourself out of this one." Yoongi said.

"Enough you lovebirds, Jimin come with me to find Jungkook." Jin suddenly grabbed his hand to pull him away from Yoongi.

He waved as he walked away, Yoongi waving back with a fond smile. He could feel his heart doing that thing again, where it felt like it had stopped before speeding up. Yoongi always got the feeling in those moments he knew he was truly in love with Jimin.

"Whoever told me to get a boyfriend, they're like toddlers." Namjoon let out a heavy sigh, the both of them laughing quietly.

"But you seem happier now that you're with Jin. I didn't think you were ever going to get the courage to ask him out in the first place." Yoongi said.

"I don't think I ever would've if it wasn't for Jimin. He's the one who kept telling me to do it in the first place." Namjoon admitted.

"Really?" Yoongi murmured, and Namjoon nodded.

"You seem happier yourself since you met him. Cause, you know things we're pretty tense between you and the rest of us before summer break, but you came back from the cruise with your family so happy. It was really weird cause I hadn't seen you smile that much in a really long time." He continued.

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