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The two walked through the parking lot, finally getting to Yoongi's car and sitting inside. Yoongi sat quietly as the tears continued to fall from his own eyes, switching on the vehicle to warm up for a few minutes.

"Yoongi?" Jimin murmured once more.

"I'm s-so sorry, baby." Yoongi managed to get out as he turned to face him.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I just hate myself so, s-so much for hurting you. I never meant to hurt your feelings like that and I'm scared things are gonna change between us because of it.." Yoongi explained.

"And I don't think I can ever forgive myself for it." He shook his head.

"Oh, Yoongi, you don't have to apologize to me about that anymore. That's long in the past now. I'm over it and nearly have forgotten about it." Jimin reached a hand over to hold Yoongi's.

"And nothing's going to change between us. I still love you the same before that happened. And I know that you'd never intentionally hurt my feelings. It was a mistake." He concluded.

"What you told me back in there, when we were dancing...I feel the exact same way, Jimin. I genuinely love you, and you're the only person I'll ever love for as long as I live." Yoongi assured.

Jimin smiled contently at that, giving Yoongi's hand a few comforting squeezes before letting go so he could drive them to his house.

It was nearly quiet the whole ride, the only sound in the car was the radio playing nightly jazz on low volume and Yoongi's soft sniffles.

Once arrived at his house, the two entered without much noise, being that it was late and Yoongi didn't want to wake his parents if they were asleep.

They slid off their shoes at the door, Yoongi grasping Jimin's hand as they began ascending up the stairs.

Once into his bedroom, Yoongi shut the door behind them, Jimin taking his nasal cannula off.

"I guess we can take turns using the shower." Yoongi said as he took his suit jacket off, tossing it to the side as he turned to face Jimin.

"Or, I can just join you." Jimin opted instead.

"I mean, y-yeah if you want to." Yoongi shrugged, blushing as Jimin seemed unfazed by the statement. It was almost as if their demeanors switched when it came to teasing each other.

Yoongi finished getting undressed in the bathroom, stepping into the spacious shower and turning the dial so that the water was on the warm setting.

Moments later, Yoongi heard the bathroom door open and close, and then the a bit of shuffling until the shower door open and Jimin stepped in to join him.

Yoongi moved his wet hair out of his face, reaching a hand up to brush now Jimin's wet hair away from his face as well so he could get a better look at him.

He smiled innocently, but Yoongi could tell it was in more of a teasing way, both of them subtly stepping a bit closer to each other.

"Beside hiding in the bathroom for half an hour, I feel like I still had fun tonight." Jimin mumbled, gently guiding his hands up Yoongi's chest to his neck, carefully caressing the sides of his face.

"I'm glad you did." Yoongi responded, placing his hands onto Jimin's waist to pull him closer so that their bodies touched.

"What do you wanna do tomorrow, hmm?" He asked.

"I don't know, I think we just stay here." Jimin shrugged.

"And do what? Just cuddle the whole day?" Yoongi laughed faintly.

"You know that's not a bad idea." Jimin laughed as well.

"Of course we can then. I enjoy it more than you think." The older assured.

After finishing their shower, Yoongi got dressed into his pajamas, a plain t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He lended Jimin a t-shirt of his to wear, the younger only wearing that and a pair of boxers.

He stepped out of the closet shyly, Yoongi turning to face him from where he was standing. Jimin approached him slowly until they were standing right in front of each other.

Yoongi just chuckled softly, swinging his arms around Jimin's waist as he shook his head slightly.

"What?" Jimin whispered as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck.

"It's nothing." Yoongi denied, smirking as he peered into the boy's eyes lustfully.

Jimin kissed him at that, Yoongi's grip on his waist tightening significantly as he quickly deepened the kiss.

He slowly guided Jimin over to the bed and laid him down, hovering over him in between his legs as he continued the kiss.

His hands slowly trailed from his waist down to his thighs back and forth, slipping a hand up the side of Jimin's shirt as the smaller hummed sensually against his lips.

Yoongi began moving his lips away from Jimin's, kissing down his jawline to his neck, sucking softly against his sweet spot just to get a reaction out of him.

"Yoongi~" Jimin breathed out, whimpering quietly Yoongi continued to kiss and suck in that area to leave a couple of love marks.

Yoongi leaned away from Jimin for a moment, admiring his pretty face before leaning back down to reconnect their lips lovingly.

His hands began fidgeting with the waistband of Jimin's boxers, but before Yoongi could began to slide them off, Jimin quickly grabbed his wrist, gazing up into Yoongi's eyes as he let out a breath.

"I-I don't t-think can do this tonight." He shook his head. "I'm sorry." Jimin murmured.

"No, don't be sorry. It's okay, I understand." Yoongi quickly took his hand away from Jimin's boxers and climbed off of him.

"I'm sorry for leading you on like that. We can do it another night, j-just not t-tonight-"

"Jimin, it's okay. I promise." Yoongi nodded as he laid beside the boy.

Jimin snuggled up close to him, the older securely wrapping his arms around Jimin's smaller body, humming as he did so.

"You're so warm." He chuckled softly, planting a soft kiss onto his forehead.

Jimin slowly lifted his head up to look into his eyes, Yoongi's expression softening as he just stared in awe.

"And you're so damn pretty." He expressed proudly. "I love you so much." Yoongi concluded.

"I love you too." Jimin whispered, smiling to himself as he laid his head onto Yoongi's chest to go to sleep.

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