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"Jimin!? Oh my gosh don't scare me like that again!" Jungkook hugged the boy tightly.

Him and Taehyung had met up with the boy at his locker at lunch time that day, happy to see that he was doing okay.

"I'm sorry." Jimin apologized.

"Don't say sorry. You're okay, right?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah." Jimin answered, giving a half-hearted nod. "I will be."

"Let me see the ring." Jungkook grinned, Jimin holding his hand up to show the promise ring Yoongi had gifted to him.

"Oh wow, it's so pretty!" He smiled.

"I know, right? I never thought he'd get something like this for me, it was so sweet." Jimin smiled to himself.

"Taehyung, you should get me one." Jungkook pouted playfully.

"In time I will." Taehyung chuckled at the shocked expression on Jungkook's face.

Just then, Yoongi arrived at Jimin's locker, the both of them staring at each other contently as Yoongi stood in front of him.

"Okay, Jin and Namjoon are probably waiting on us, come on." Jungkook waved the two to follow them.

"We'll be there soon, just go without us." Yoongi said, the two leaving Jimin's locker.

Jimin turned back to face Yoongi, the older reaching out both of his hands for Jimin to hold.

"Hi." He murmured sheepishly as he interlaced their fingers together.

"Hi." Jimin responded, the both of them laughing at how ridiculously shy they were being.

"You been okay so far today?" Yoongi wondered.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better." The younger nodded, giving Yoongi's hands a tiny squeeze before letting one go so they could walk beside each other.

"That's good. You had me worried this morning." Yoongi said.

"You don't have to anymore, okay? I just have to take my medication more often until I'm allowed to have a higher dosage again." Jimin assured.

"I just care about you so much." Yoongi mumbled.

"I know." Jimin looked over to him and smiled softly as they entered the cafeteria.

Yoongi simply smiled back before pecking his lips for less than a second, though it still made Jimin's heart begin to race.

"Is it just me, or are they more flirty than usual lately?" Jin asked the other three at the lunch table before Jimin and Yoongi arrived.

"Definitely, since Yoongi gave him the promise ring. They act like a married couple." Taehyung laughed.

"Please, they've always been acting like that." Jin rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Who's been acting like what?" Jimin asked as he sat down at the table.

"You and Yoongi act like you're married or something." Jungkook nudged him.

"What? No we don't." Jimin denied, his face reddening at the observation his friends had made.

"Where is he anyway?" Namjoon asked.

"Said he was grabbing a snack from the snack line or something." Jimin shrugged, glancing around the lunchroom to look for him.

"How'd things go Friday?" Jin asked with a grin.

"I really had no idea he had that planned, and you guys were all in on it too." The boy began. "But the moment was so sweet. I wish I could relive it again." He said.

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