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The following morning, Jimin had woken up to Yoongi's quiet voice, though it was slightly muffled as he was still half asleep, eyes still closed and unsure of who he was even talking to. The more he started to wake up, the more he started to realize that Yoongi was speaking on the the phone with someone, purposely keeping his voice quiet to prevent Jimin from waking up.

"Sure, okay. Yeah just bring my car by when you can. Thanks Joon, bye." He said before it went quiet once again.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes to see that Yoongi was seated against the headboard of the bed, drinking what he assumed was tea from a mug. His eyes seemed tired, though he did get plenty of sleep the previous night.

He glanced down at Jimin, his exhausted expression fading as a smile reached across his face to see that the boy had woken up.

"I'm surprised you slept longer than me. It's already noon." He chuckled, Jimin's eyes squinting at the bright sun spilling through the windows of Yoongi's bedroom.

"I guess I was more tired than I thought." Jimin mumbled. "You feeling any better?" He wondered.

"Other than the massive hangover, yeah. I needed to let those emotions out last night, I just wish I didn't have to be drunk to be able to." Yoongi sighed.

Jimin sat up beside Yoongi so that they were closer in eye level, pulling the comforter up towards him because of how cold it was in the bedroom. He held his hand out for Yoongi to hold, the older gladly intertwining their fingers together

"You know you can I always tell me how you're feeling. I care about you so much and I wanna know these things. I promise it's not a burden." Jimin spoke sincerely, giving Yoongi's hand a tiny squeeze.

"You're so kind and caring all the time, what did I ever do to deserve you?" Yoongi voiced, astonished that he'd really lucked out in meeting such a pure soul.

"You didn't need to do anything. The universe put us together for a reason." The smaller boy smiled as he leaned in to peck Yoongi's unsuspecting lips, unable to shake the fluttery sensation in his chest as his heart rate sped up.

Without any hesitation, Yoongi quickly reconnected their lips to satisfy to foreign sensation bubbling up inside of him, so badly wanting the boy in that moment he could barely contain himself. Jimin would be lying if he said he didn't feel the same way because he did, arousal consuming him as their lips remained secure against each others.

Jimin however was the first to break away, releasing a shaky breath as he glimpsed into the older's eager eyes, the both of them breathing heavy as they stared at each other so intently. It was like they were both itching to initiate something, but either of them were too timid as the previous moment had felt too sweet to turn sexual that quickly, yet they both still wanted it.

"What's wrong, baby?" Yoongi whispered, tilting his head slightly.

"N-Nothing, I just..." He didn't know how to spit the words out, the right ones at least. "You know..." Jimin uttered, face reddening out of embarrassment because he didn't want to blatantly say it.

He could tell Yoongi did catch on to what he wanted to say, watching a peculiar emotion glint across his dark eyes as the realization set in, a playful smirk making its way across his face.

"I know." Yoongi laughed quietly to himself before he reconnected their lips at that.

He carefully grasped onto Jimin's waist, pulling his smaller body onto his lap so that he was now straddling him, the boy's hands gripping his shoulders as they mutually deepened the kiss. The both of them could equally feel that fiery sensation of lust overcoming them, no going back from here as things only escalated further.

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