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The time arrived when it was finally time for the two to depart from each other.

They'd made it back to Seoul around noon, the two standing before each other outside in the warm, summer air. Jimin was beginning to tear up as he gazed into Yoongi's eyes.

"Jimin, I really don't know where to start." Yoongi breathed out. "We only spent about two weeks with each other, but I really love you. I'm gonna miss you s-so much." Yoongi's voice broke, Jimin immediately wrapping his arms around his neck to hug him.

"I'm g-gonna miss you too, idiot." Jimin sniffled. "I love you." He whispered, tightly holding onto him. "Call me everyday, okay? Promise you will?" Jimin leaned away slightly to looking to his eyes. "I promise." He nodded.

Yoongi caressed his face gently, pressing their their lips together lovingly. There was so much passion and emotion in it, the whole thing was surely overwhelming.

"I love you so much." Jimin whispered against his lips. "I don't wanna leave you." He shook his head, starting to cry harder.

"Shhh, it's okay, baby. It's gonna be okay." Yoongi held him close.

Their parents simply watched, feeling sad for them too. "Jimin, we gotta get going. Your father has to head into the new office in a few hours." Jimin's mother reminded.

"Okay." Jimin nodded. Yoongi gently wiped the tears away from Jimin's face with his thumbs, planting a kiss onto the tip of Jimin's nose.

"I'll see you sometime. Stay safe for me, okay?" Yoongi said his final words. "I love you, baby." He repeated for what felt like the millionth time as he placed one last kiss upon his lips, but he didn't care. He'd tell Jimin he loves him as many times as he wanted to.

"I love you too." Jimin waved after he'd let go of the older teen, waving as he walked away with his parents.

Yoongi fought back tears most of the ride home but he couldn't contain them the whole time, sniffling quietly as he peered out the window.

"I miss him already." Yoongi let out. "Aww, I know. It's going to be alright. You have his number, right?" His mother comforted.

"Yeah." Yoongi took out his phone to text the boy, but when he went to find Jimin's contact, it didn't even it exist. Then it dawned on the boy that the two indeed had forgotten to exchange numbers when they said they would.

"A-Actually we forgot to." Yoongi sighed, more tears falling from his eyes. Now he had no way of contacting the boy ever again.

He felt like he'd already lost him for good. It was such a sickening realization. I'm so stupid, why did I think we did? Yoongi thought to himself as he continued to cry.

"Oh, you poor thing." Mrs. Min frowned sadly.

Jimin had realized the same too, but he broke down even worse than Yoongi did, demanding his parents to turn around and go back to try and find the Min's, but it was far too late for that.

"H-How am I ever going to find him again?!" Jimin sobbed. "Shhh, Jimin, sweetie it's okay. It's going to be alright." His mothered tried to calm him.

"N-No it's not! I'm never going to see him again. That trip can't be the only time I see him." He started to hyperventilate.

"Jimin, shhh, breathe." His father instructed. "Take some deep breaths and try and calm down." He spoke softly to his soon.

He did eventually even out his breathing, but the tears didn't stop there, no. He cried the entire way to their new home and all the rest of the day.

He'd never felt so stupid in his life. Jimin remembered the two saying they'd exchange numbers, but they'd never did.

They boy sat outside on his balcony later that night before bed, looking up at stars in the sky, watching one specifically twinkle in the distance.

Yoongi was doing the same thing, except that twinkling star was right above him in the sky.

Through the two felt like they were miles and miles away from each other, they were actually still closer than they thought, but the boys didn't know that yet.

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