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After their little aquarium date, the two headed back home to chill for a little bit before they had to get ready to go to the beach.

When they arrived, Jimin and Yoongi packed their beach bags early and got dressed into their swimwear. The clouds had seemed to disappear outside to reveal the blue sky, the sun shining bright.

They brought their belongings down to the living room where they both sat on the couch to watch tv until their parents arrived.

"You should wear skirts more. You look so good in them." Yoongi said. "You really think so?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded.

"I would, but the last time I wore a skirt I got bullied." Jimin laughed bitterly. "Well, you'll be at a new school this year and trust me, I don't think anyone would care. You don't live in a small town anymore." Yoongi reminded.

"And if they do make fun of you, it's because they're jealous they can't pull off a skirt as good as you." He nodded in satisfaction. "You're so sweet." Jimin giggled quietly.

He scooted closer to Yoongi on the couch, resting his head on his shoulder as Yoongi carefully wrapped his arms around him.

"I mean it though, they make you pretty." Yoongi mumbled, face starting to slowly redden. Jimin noticed immediately and laughed, poking his face playfully.

"You get flustered so easily." Jimin teased. "It's cute." He grinned, Yoongi peering into his golden brown eyes. He placed his index finger under Jimin's chin, leaning his head up a bit more and planting a little kiss on his lips.

"I'm not cute." Yoongi frowned. "Yes you are. Why'd you say it as if it's a bad thing?" Jimin tilted his head slightly. "I'm not saying it is, I just wouldn't consider myself...that. I don't like people calling me cute." He mumbled

"M'kay, I guess I won't call you that anymore." Jimin shrugged. Yoongi turned to look at him, chuckling softly as he pulled the boy into his arms.

"I'll make an exception for you though." Yoongi gave in, a little smile growing across Jimin's face.


Their parents arrived home within the next hour to change into some different clothing before they went to the beach.

Because the beach wasn't too far from the house, they decided to walk, their parents carrying their beach bags for them.

As they were walking, Yoongi took out his camera to take some pictures on the way. He turned to face Jimin, quickly snapping a photo of the boy because of how pretty he looked in the current lighting.

"You're gonna look back at all these pictures and realize a majority of them were of me." Jimin said. "I know." Yoongi chuckled quietly, grasping Jimin's hand in his own as they continued to walk beside each other.

Once they arrived at the beach, their parents paid for a luxury cabana, Yoongi and Jimin setting their things down before heading over to where the water met the shore.

"Ooo, it's not terribly cold." Yoongi let out a breath of relief as he stepped into the water. Jimin held onto his hand tightly as they slowly ascended deeper into the beautiful, clear blue waters.

"Yoongi, let's stop here." Jimin haunted in his steps once they were about waist deep. "What? Why? There's no big waves. We can go deeper." Yoongi insisted.

"I'm scared though." Jimin pouted. It'd been years since he'd been in deep water like this. "Why? I'm not gonna let you go under the water, I promise." The older nodded.

"I don't wanna go any deeper." Jimin shook his head, voice slightly wavering. "You want me to carry you? I'll carry you the entire time if I have to." Yoongi tried, Jimin letting out a soft laugh.

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