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"Yoongi if you don't get out of bed we'll be late for our flight!" Yoongi's mother called from down the hall, followed by her angered footsteps hurrying down the stairs.

The teen groaned in annoyance, wishing he could spend his first day of summer vacation fresh out of school to sleep. But no, he was forced to go on vacations with his parents as their last result to get the boy away from his bed and out of the house.

Yoongi stood up, throwing on a random outfit before heading downstairs, his father taking their suitcases out to the car. His mother smiled daintily, ruffling Yoongi's hair.

"Lift your spirits Yoongi, it'll be a fun trip and you'll enjoy it." She assured, Yoongi slickly rolling his eyes as he slid his earbuds in his ears to block out any outside noise with his music.

He laid in the backseat of the car, watching as his parents did a double check to make sure they had everything before sitting in their designated seats.

He closed his eyes, getting nothing but a small lick of extra sleep before it felt as if they magically appeared at the airport.

Everything felt like a blur until he realized he was strapped in an airplane seat, minutes away from departure to another country thousands of miles away just to get onto a big boat full of people.

Yoongi hated people.

It was a luxury vacation cruise to an island of Hawaii, Yoongi too exhausted to express his small excitement.

Though he didn't want to leave his bed to fly halfway across the world just to get on a big boat full of people, it sounded like a great photography opportunity, a hobby he'd recently taken up.

Once the plane took off, Yoongi was back to sleep, seemingly the only thing he felt like doing these days.

The only thing he didn't necessarily look forward to during the vacation is not understanding a majority of the language people would be speaking. It was his fault for not paying attention in English class.

His parents were both conveniently fluent so they'd pretty much be his guide/translator the entire time.

Yoongi was woken up by his mother after the 13 hour flight but Yoongi felt like he's only gotten ten minutes of sleep. Weird how time works when you're in a slumber.

He followed his parents to retrieve their luggage from baggage claim, considering what the odds would be meeting someone his age while in the cruise. Let alone a fellow Korean his age.

He'd been wanting to get in a relationship for a while, but the guys at his school weren't ever his type. He did end up dating one of his friends, but it only lasted a week because they felt it'd be best if they just stayed friends.

Yoongi shook the thought away as he followed quickly behind his parents to the exit of the airport, board a shuttle bus specifically for the cruise they were headed too, Yoongi keeping his head down to avoid eye contact. To the looks of it, Yoongi just assumed they were the only Korean people there.

The drive wasn't long, the shuttle arriving at the dock. Yoongi's father took care of all their luggage, staff taking it away to be boarded and delivered to their room later on in the day.

They boarded the boat along with the crowd of vacationers, Yoongi peering around in awe of the scenery. "Yoongi, keep up now." His father called, Yoongi walking quicker to catch up with his parents.

Once arrived at their room, Yoongi noticed it was a secluded from all the other rooms. "You're father was willing to pay for a luxury suite but that doesn't mean you get to sleep in here all day." Yoongi's mother informed as he swiped the key card.

The room was luxurious for sure, Yoongi upset he couldn't stay in there for four day entirety they'd be on the ship.

The corridor opened into a nice living room, a large window revealing how high up they were, the deck below and a nice view of the pretty ocean.

There were two bedrooms and two large bathrooms, Yoongi immediately plopping onto the bed in the room he chose. "Yoongi what did I say!" His mother crossed her arms as she stood in the doorway.

"I'm tired though..." Yoongi whined. "Why don't you go explore the deck until our luggage gets here then we can decide on some things we might want to do later on." His father suggested.

"Fine." Yoongi reluctantly agreed before standing up, sluggishly heading for the door. He exited the room, heading for the elevator with his earbuds in.

Once to the first floor, he exited the elevator and made his way to the door, regretting his black attire as he stepped into the blazing sun. He sauntered around the deck, observing the variety of activities to do.

There was a large pool and a water slide, Yoongi tempted to just jump in now. Located on the other side on the top deck was zip lining and parasailing but Yoongi was too afraid of heights to do that.

He took the stairs up to the top deck, standing near the railing to take photos with his phone until their luggage arrived so he could use his camera.

Yoongi captured a few nice photos, sending them to his friends to playfully brag. As his eyes wandered the deck, he noticed a boy who appeared his age sitting peacefully on a lounge chair staring out at the ocean.

His hair was a bright blond color, blowing softly onto his face as the wind passed by. He had a notebook placed into his lap, busily drawing away at the paper.

He had quite a baby face, which Yoongi found particularly to be his type. It was just so adorable. The boy peered up out at the water again, his pretty brown eyes glimmering in the sunlight.

Wow... Yoongi thought to himself. He'd never seen someone as pretty as him. Yoongi didn't even realize he'd been staring until the boy stared directly into his eyes.

It startled Yoongi, bolting his eyes away before he headed for the stairs. He was too embarrassed that something like that just happened.

As Yoongi rushed away, he then realized he'd probably never run into the pretty boy again.

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