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The three headed snake shot from my wand instantly, stretching 7 foot long hissing back the dementors. Pushing them out of the Slytherin carriage. The stronger the dementors fought against me the more tired i felt.

I pulled my hand further up once more, exiling them at last. As i dropped to my knees in exhaustion.

For merlins sake i hope someone else knows the charm, because looking back at the faces who now surrounded me from our carriage. Something tells me they have no clue what happened.

"What on earth did you do? How did you?" Draco called as he presented himself in front of me.

"Not now Draco, cant you see shes drained from saving your life, and ours." Daphne scoffed, cutting me slack.

"Get me up, i need to find my father. The dementors shouldn't be on the train." I huffed still catching my breath.

"Dementors?" Pansy asked "Azkaban guards!"

"Yes yes I will explain it later, get me to my father now!" I cried

Of course i knew Dementors were to be stationed outside the grounds, my father thought a warning was necessary. As soon as Dumbledore told him he taught me the charm. It took a week or so of hard work and long hours practicing but i perfected it, and I'm glad i did.

One fault and the 7 of us would of felt like our souls were being torturously ripped from our bodies.

I felt Pansy's arm pull me up leading me out towards the Gryffindor carriage, wand clutched in my hand once more just incase.

"Did you see the animal." I heard Draco muffle to the group "Thats a Runespoor, my Father said they're affiliated with Dark wizards. They connect with Parselmouths."

Potter was the only person i knew of being gifted to speak Parseltongues.

Pathetic. As if i could be a parselmouth. Yes Runespoors were rare. My father had almost the same reaction as Draco. But more subtle obviously.

The Silence was airy much like the cold, as we edged closer into the carriage i could hear Hermione's tone from the bottom of the corridor where their door layed open. I could hear the stress in her voice.

Surely Harry can't be the reason for the Dementors to be on the train. Stationed outside the grounds? Yes. But they're here for Sirius Black not the students.

As we reached the door. I pressed my hand on the frame to support the weight that wasn't carried by Pansy.

"Lyria! Oh dear quickly sit, sit" i was shocked to see my father sitting in a carriage with Ron Hermione and Harry.

"Pansy you can go, thank you for bringing me." I sighed as she let me go moving me slightly to the seat.

"I will see you at the feast okay?" She nodded before furrowing her eyebrows at the trio and walking off shutting the doors behind her.

"Here ... chocolate." My father handed me a small bar where i snapped a piece off eating it quickly.

I received a small glance from Ron, his eyes moving from me to my hands where i held the chocolate. I folded the wrapper closed and through it in his direction.

Subtle hint Ronald.

He grabbed it and scoffed it straight away crumbling the wrapper and stuffing it between the seats.

"Father they're looking for Sirius aren't they?." Redirecting my attention to my dad.

"Father?" Ron and Hermione said in unison. As my father stood he reached out his hand in front of them both "Professor Remus Lupin, defensive against the dark arts." He introduced himself.

"Explains the charm, its a patronous isn't it?" Hermione questioned. Just as Remus nodded i spoke.

"Wait you had to cast it aswell. I thought it was only my carriage i came to warn you."

"He was bloody brilliant your dad." Ron said pointing to Harry. "Saved his life he did."

"Young Harry would be fine, they wouldn't of hurt him. Just as strong as his Dad, he'll wake up soon." Remus acknowledged as i turned to see Harry passed out on the chairs.

I did think it was rather quiet considering the fuss.

"It felt weird though, like i'd never be cheerful again." Ron said.  Clasping his hands as they hung over his knees where he leaned forward "Cant imagine how he felt." Gesturing to Potter.

"Rather nasty, I've read about them. First time i have seen one up close." Hermione whispered.

"Miss Granger hopefully the first and last time." My father said.

Just then i noticed a slight twitch coming from Harry as i moved to my knees in front of him. Hermione doing the same.

"Harry... Harry you alright?" She asked him as he began to sit up straight, my father of course waving chocolate around his face for him to eat. "It'll help eat it, its chocolate." He states as Harry picks it from his Hand.

"Now if you'll excuse us i'd like to have a little word with my daughter." Remus said putting his hand on my back to usher me out in front. "I'll leave Miss Granger and Mr Weasley to explain."

"Feel better Harry" i waved him as i left my father following behind. Walking me towards the front of the train.

"If i knew the Dementors were going to come onto the train, i never would of let you go sit with your friends."

"Its okay truly. My patronous was perfect. The best one yet, little more tiring but it was a strong dementor. you should of seen Malfoy's face when he saw the Runespoor, he was mortified." I laughed

"Lucious' son?" He paused "stay away from that boy Lyria... his family, they're bad people. They do bad things. I promised your mother before she died to shield you from people like them. "

"They're death eaters... aren't they?" It was relatively obvious. Pure Blood family, wealthy. Arrogant. Would surprise me if they weren't.

He nodded to me, as the train blared its horn. We were here.

"Take this, give some to your friends. Not that Malfoy boy though. Promise me." Handing me a chocolate bar leaving his pinky finger raised in the air.

I know its childish but I enjoyed doing childish things. Especially with him.

I grasped his pinky with mine "I promise." I called turning to head back to the carriage to get my bag and off the train... "See you at dinner."
First Authors note!!
I decided to incorporate my own patronous into the story, and i love it.

" ————————————————————————————First Authors note!! I decided to incorporate my own patronous into the story, and i love it

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