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"What the hell happened?" I panted as i rushed around the lake towards Hermione and Harry, who were standing on a slight rocked platform.

As my eyes scanned the water, I could see past Harry lying unconscious beside Sirius who was also pretty out it. Lifting my sight to the sky which was now empty. No dementors in sight.


"It wasn't my dad, it was me. I knew from standing here that i casted the patronous... so i knew i could do it." Harry chuckled slightly as he looked from the lake to me. "Does that make sense?"

"Not really Harry no" i told him as I pulled small leaves out of my hair from my collision with the floor.

"What happened with Peter where is he?" Hermione retorted.

"Don't... just don't. I tried really i did. But i heard something, i lost focus and he kind off sent me flying into a tree. Not so great attempt." I told her in embarrassment with my hands raised in surrender in the air

"It's okay Lyria." She told me as she stumbled to wrap her arms around me to comfort me squeezing my arms down at my sides. "You tried and thats what matters."

It may not matter too badly to Hermione but it's all i can think about, everyone will blame me knowing i had a second chase and i let him get away so easily.

"Can we, um, please keep this between the three of us." I said quietly. "I don't want anyone to be disappointed in me."

"Lyria, everyone would be so proud of you facing him on your own. No matter the outcome but if you want to keep it as our secret then of course we will." Hermione said as her hands rested on my shoulders. "Right Harry?"


"Guys, Snape" Harry pointed his finger into the trees where we could see Professor cloaks soaring behind him in the wind.

"You two hide! Go" i told Harry and Hermione as i pushed them into the trees to hide them into the darkness.

Snape's body grew in size as he wandered closer towards Sirius and Harry at the lake.

"Miss Lupin? How did... You were?"

"Please Professor, for once just trust a Lupin. Do not speak of my presence here tonight. All i ask is you take Harry to Madam Pomfrey. Leave Sirius to us"

"Us? Who else is here?"

"Professor you must know that time is a curious yet dangerous thing. Please don't ask what I can't answer."

Snape's eyes, even from a distance furrowed, giving me a cold glance as he stretched his sight behind me. Lucky the darkness kept Harry and Hermione hidden.

"Miss Lupin i suggest you leave here at once, you may know the future. But Dumbledore already told me about Miss Grangers... activities"  he shouted. "But Sirius Black must end up in the castle tower."

Just as Snape lifted Harry's unconscious body into his arms, the sky turned grey, cold and lifeless once more.

"Stay hidden Miss Lupin, or all fails." Snape called out one last time before quickly gliding away back towards the castle with Harry.

While my feet carried me towards Harry and Hermione to hide watching as the dementors drifted down from the sky in a slow manner to take control of Sirius lifting his body out of the forest and up to the castle.

"Of course he knew! Hermione you really should speak to Mcgonigal about unnecessary secret sharing." Harry whispered to Hermione as we all rose to our feet when the air cleared.

"That doesn't matter, how the hell can we make it back up the castle in this time? We wouldn't! It's impossible." I grunted as i kicked about the ground using my feet to move the leaves that had iced over on the ground.

"You see Lyria..." Harry started with a chuckle but was quickly interrupted by a loud thump from behind, my eyes peeled from Harry to be greeted with a majestic Hippogriff that stood proudly behind him.

"Buckbeak! You saved him?" I grinned quickly pulling both of them in for a hug. "Thank you both, honestly thank you! thank you!"

I let go of them to walk down beside Buckbeak stopping paces in front of him.

And in unison. We bowed.

My step sprung as my arms waved around Buckbeak's neck. "I will never let anyone hurt you again, nobody will ever take you away from me." I whispered into his feathers as his head nudged into me.

"Well, let's save Sirius." I called as i mounted my body onto Buckbeak who was now preparing to set off, I pulled Hermione up behind me and ushered Harry in front. "You can take the lead Potter, never flew a broom never mind a bird. Your chances are better. Besides i need to shut my eyes."

"Wait why's that?" Hermione asked raising her brows.

"Because I don't do heights. I hate them."

But before I could even finish my sentence Harry took the opportunity to guide Buckbeak straight up into the night guiding him through the treetops as i felt the wind tug my hair back into Hermione face as i heard small spitting noises as she tried to pull my hair away.

My eyes shut tightly holding on for dear life around Harrys torso. "Lyria you might as well open your eyes, you trust Buckbeak enough surely to know he wont drop us?" Harry shouted through the air.

Maybe he had a point, this was nothing like being on Draco's broom. Buckbeak had control and she trusted Buckbeak.

So she gently opened her eyes as the wind caught her off guard watering her eyes as they went, they were practically already there when she did. She didn't even have a chance to enjoy the flight as they landed in the tower with Harry and Hermione jumping off running towards the cell.

I moved up a place on Buckbeak. "You don't mind if i sit here Harry? Do you?" I called as Hermione shouted an explosive charm at the cell door reaching for Sirius' hand to pull him out rushing back over as quickly as possible.

"Not at all Lyria." He replied as the three of them climbed back on. Harry behind me with Sirius and Hermione after. "Take us away"
I can't wait to to holiday chapters, i think there will be a couple og P.O.A chapters left to finish the plot but then i will add some christmas 'spice' and MUCH deserved draco moments.

I know its a Draco fanfic and i've let you down with the amount of time they spend together . (Which isn't alot) but when this plots finished I promise it'll be Draco every time ;)

But please vote and comment and i will see you soon ily <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now