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My head felt horrible, i wont be using that charm on myself any time soon I thought.

My eyes were waking up as I pulled my hand up to rub my head and eyes, leaving one arm behind me holding my weight up properly.

"Oh swell, your awake. Here drink this and this... then wait five minutes and drink half of this one." Madam Pomfrey whistled moving to the side of me laying two small potion bottles to the table at my side. Passing one more into my hand. "You can take the other half with you." She said eyeing the 3rd bottle to the side of me.

"Only drink if you feel whimsy, understand Miss Lupin?" I nodded to her as i drank the first bottle, reaching now for the second.

"Great, now Professor Dumbledore wishes you see him when your ready." She peeped once more.

I looked around the hospital wing and it was empty, Wheres Harry I thought he would of been brought here after the attack.

"Excuse me? Madam Pomfrey, has Harry Potter been in the wing." I asked as i got myself out my bed walking to the small bin at the side, getting rid of the two bottles.

"Oh yes, yes he was. In for a day or so. I discharged him a couple of hours ago dear." She called from the other side of the wing while she was fixing a bed.

"Next bottle, only half remember."

I picked it up, and drank half just like i was told. Before screwing the top back on and stuffing it in my jean pocket.

"A day or so did you say Madam, what day is it now." I looked at the clock and it said 8:29am.

"Monday. Now if you've taken the last bottle you should go and get some breakfast from the hall." She said urging me to have something to get my energy back.

Once again i did what i was told but first i went back to my dorm to change into my robes and uniform. I still had classes in less than 30 minutes and I assume i was expected to turn up.

As I walked into the hall the noise simmered noticeably, as majority of faces turned to me.

I could see Harry and his friends looking at me from his table, where they all gave me a small smile as i walked. I turned my head round to the Slytherin table where my friends made a seat for me to take.

"Always something wrong with you, ain't there Lupin." Blaise laughed reaching his hand across the table taking a slice of toast from Goyle's plate.

"How are you feeling Lyria, there were rumours saying you were attacked in the forest by dementors... just like Potter." Crabbe asked.

"Im okay Crabbe thank you, i don't know what happened." I lied, "but potter was attacked by dementors? On the pitch?."

Crabbe and Goyle both nodded in unison.

"Dumbledore was furious." Goyle said "They weren't supposed to be on the grounds."

"Are you sure your okay Lupin." Crabbe repeated " you look rather pale."

But before i could answer him, Malfoy of course needed his say.

"Maybe you should stop being so heroic." Draco cooed "Might as well join your boyfriend in Hufflepuff, or better yet your other one in Gryffindor."

"They are not my Boyfriend's don't be bitter Draco." I said back to him. "If that was you..."

"It wouldn't be." He cut me off "Im not as idiotic as Potter is. And I am not bitter!"

The table filled with a unnecessary but rather awkward silence before Daphne passed me my timetable.

"McGonagall passed them out before you got here. You have Care of magical creature's with Hagrid first." Daphne said.

"Your with Pansy, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. They have it as well." She starts again.

"Blaise and i have Divination instead. Apparently Trelawney's went rather odd over summer."

"No change there then." Pansy joins in " I think she's always been mental, you lot just never payed attention."

"You... paying attention? Pathetic." Malfoy spits. "That class is pathetic. Always has been."

Good thing you don't have it until tomorrow then I thought.

"Well we better go, I don't want to be late to Hagrid's." I said bringing myself to my feet, toast in hand.

"Don't you have to see Dumbledore?" Pansy questioned.

I forgot completely about needing to see Dumbledore, I checked my time table to see i had a free period just after class with Hagrid. I can see Dumbledore then.

"After Hagrid's i will go, i don't want to miss my first class." I answered "Plus its a free period anyways. I wont be doing much."

As we walked down the hall, through the courtyard and out to the hills i heard someone's voice call out to me.

"Lyria! Do you have a minute." Harry called as i turned around to see him Ron and Hermione following behind.

"I'll see you in class." I whispered to the others before turning to walk back up the hill to where the trio stood.

"Hi Harry, feeling better?"

"Yeah i guess, bit of a headache though."

"That's not as bad i guess, my heads quite sore also. Did you ever find your broom."

"It fell into the Whomping willow, don't think i can call it a broom anymore."

"You should see the state of it, it's like a pile of sticks." Ron chimed in. "Bloody shame. Harry might be out for a while until he gets a new one." He stopped. "But you... you were amazing, the way you stopped Harry from smashing head first into the ground. Pretty cool."

"It was nothing honestly." Hermione said. Gaining a small frown from Ron and myself.

"It was cool, but its a simple spell anyone could of cast it." She started again

"Then why didn't you." Ron asked with attitude.

Oh great I'm stuck in an argument with these two. They're both as stubborn as each other.

"Anyways..." Harry started. Saving me from the argument "I just wanted to say thank you. And that I'm really grateful."

"That's okay Harry"

"If you need anything you know where to find me, i sort of owe you one."

He reached his hand out in front of me as if to shake my hand. And i obliged taking his hand in mine shaking it.
I don't like this chapter ;( feels quite boring and repetitive but i needed it just for the story so please bare with me.

Please point out any mistakes as i don't proof read my chapters :)

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